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Everything posted by Zepol87

  1. Heading to Cali where I can shit on sidewalks in peace!!! Or so I’ve been told . Freedom mfers
  2. Fuck all these people trying this shit. I can’t believe this has passed in other states.
  3. I was pretty drunk but fuck that dude prong horn.
  4. I’ll tell y’all like my family told me. White is right you only half
  5. Just more Latinos for pronghorn to complain about then. Win win
  6. Yea if that is in response to that pronghorn bitch then fuck that shit. That pussy
  7. The legacies are here. “I had a great SAT and great class rank in bumfuck 3A Texas in 1989, I deserved it”
  8. Oh shit my meter isn’t broken. This is amazing please keep going
  9. Come on surly said they got into college by being smart and trying hard. No way this is real
  10. I am drunk and I really hope my meter is broken right now
  11. I’m a legacy at Eastfield Community College. Pretty sure that’s the only way I got in for a few months before saying fuck it and joining and the Navy
  12. Yea it will happen soon unless he gets pulled.
  13. I’m not a 6 year old and I enjoyed this a couple weeks ago
  14. Lol I’m on a plane but I legit lol’ed at that
  15. It was way better today vs earlier in the week. Headed back hell today
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