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Everything posted by Zepol87

  1. Yea I quit giving a fuck pretty early. Terrible
  2. I just passed AWS SAA and I used his training. Really liked his close and I also did the cloud resume challenge. Switched from a network engineer role last year with my company. Also went heavy with hashicorp training for terraform. https://cloudresumechallenge.dev/docs/the-challenge/aws/
  3. What a fucking night!!! Just got home with some whataburger. The city is feeling it segment_video_2.mp4
  4. End of 1st was solid. Robertson has to figure it out. Puck handling was terrible until late IMG_4942.mov
  5. Cinco de Mayo tomatoes, tell them you have to celebrate because of your username
  6. In 104 tonight, going to hit Hero before if anyone wants to grab a drink pregame
  7. Trying to introduce someone to the show. What are a few of y’all’s go to episodes?
  8. What happened to any puck control? Damn this doesn’t look great, maybe try hitting mfers
  9. Oh shit it’s afternoon game right? Fuck it I’m down. What section you in? new stadium security dicks are extra assholes
  10. Bought tickets for Ortiz jr but his opponent got hurt.
  11. Yea the 2nd was rough for them offensively. At one point it was 11 to 3 shots, they were fucked
  12. I was looking for this last night, I enjoyed the last episode as well. Didn't always watch but when I did it wasn't bad at all
  13. Holy shot they are pulling that kind of money? I will admit last time I saw anything of theirs on YouTube was with a nephew around 7 years ago. Crazy
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