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  1. Nah, the final countdown will be when Ohio State finishes its season. Two weeks after that, I’ll concede.
  2. Or did he say leaning against coming?
  3. I feel that this kind of curveball should be expected. Doesn’t really change my belief. Life support means it’s still on.
  4. This could be a lot of places but there is a Hyde Park in Austin.🤷‍♂️
  5. New? Did you not see the Son In-Law meme last week?😄
  6. Out of left field for sure.
  7. IMG_4604.MOV
  8. Not entirely. What has happened is that the media (blogosphere? clickbait bullshittery?) and the rest of the entire
  9. That doesn't clarify because that is incorrect.
  10. Gainesville is awesome. Great island vibe, beautiful place and people. It happens.
  11. Reverse parking was illegal at my University as well. Have no idea why.
  12. Yes, but dont expect that qb to have as bad of a game as Fromm did in the Sugar Bowl. Even if we caused the bad qb play with pressure, LSUs qb will be able to escape the pocket much more effectively.
  13. Moose Johnston made Jerry Rice look slow.
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