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Everything posted by Majorcholas

  1. I wonder what the stat is on how many times we turn it over after a stoppage in play. Damn that’s frustrating.
  2. Good point. This is the new way to not tip your hand. Teams started getting offenses tendencies by formation. Then they started figuring out what you liked to do with certain personel on the field. Then you can mix up both to keep defenses on their heels. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Run power, inside zone and throw the ball vertical. Win games.
  3. Hopefully you only have to shoot one tv tonight.
  4. +1 for lonesome dove.
  5. Beat that ass then stole their concert. Suck it jawja.
  6. Hahaha. True. And this is why I’m off the Shakawagon. I expect some bad sets at the beginning of the year. Hell, we’ve regressed on offense rather than improved.
  7. So is our offense to go five wide, go one on one and then hope for an offensive board?
  8. I’m more worried about pass scheme than his actual technique. We are going to be much more multiple in schemes and calls. It looks like from a very quick watch that GT was in full slide protection almost every pass. A lot of run heavy teams will use that more frequently because it doesn’t take a lot of recognition/reps by the line. Since they have so many run schemes to work on they aren’t gonna waste tons of practice reps on something they may call 10 times a game. But dude is definitely an athlete. If he’s got some brains on him he should be okay and make it translate.
  9. Bet he kills at the ymca
  10. Ramey gonna be such a baller
  11. This is gonna be an ugly crappy game. We win if D.O. does the dirty work. man I wished we pressed.... havoc where art thou?
  12. What the hell is going on in here?
  13. Didn’t read every page but desean hales was the first that came to mind. or maybe drew kelson defensively. Just couldn’t seem to find the right fit defensively for him. Would be a stud in today’s big 12 defensive sets. and in case nobody mentioned yet...childs should starts
  14. As a washed up old high school qb...it’s a weird thing. Best way I can explain it is it’s kinda like how you feel people looking at you. In the pocket you can feel the pressure even though you are looking down field. Case study in Sam vs Shane’s pocket presence. It’s why boo could throw for 93&47482929 yds as a freshman when it’s come off a playfake and launch it as far as you can but then look pedestrian the next year. Sam has that feel. I know that’s obvious to us now but it explains a lot about our qb play last couple years.
  15. Hell yeah...line those hynas up!!!
  16. Agree. Roy was a burner especially for his size. LJH is more physical but damn if there weren’t a couple similar plays in that Roy highlight. i always thought LJH reminded me of fitz. Not a burner but a freak athlete and physical. (No racist cuz dreads)
  17. I bet that’s exactly what he said. Dumbass
  18. Wish I could rep this a thousand. I really needed some comic relief as I’m sure I could bend rebar with my butt cheeks right now.
  19. Like the play before that was stuffed for a two yard loss?
  20. Lincoln Riley loves last minute Friday meetings
  21. The tear gas one just brings out the chuckles in me every time.
  22. So let me get this straight.... 1)poster a claims it was drugs 2)poster b asks for proof or if serious 3)major poo slinging ensues? That about sum it up?
  23. This is what the game looked like yesterday except we were down. Can’t let up. You know MSU will make a run at some point
  24. We could seriously not look ANY better to start edit: it would be cool if roach hit free throws...that’s all I got
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