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Everything posted by Majorcholas

  1. What’s crazy is I wouldn’t know if you made those up or copy/pasted without going to texags myself. Well done.
  2. Guys, we have 2 players capable of creating their own shot. Abmas and Disu. Who else can get a bucket when needed? We simply can’t score. We have some catch and shoot guys but that’s tough.
  3. #1 has been powerbombing our big guys all night.
  4. And it’s so small they can’t seem to hit it either. THAT has to be some frustrating incompetence!
  5. Exactly. Remember after the Texas loss they were already “saban has lost it, who is our next coach?”
  6. As Burke was getting jerked to the ground by the OT.
  7. If I remember right he punched some nerd over a pick up basketball game at the Greg.
  8. That was my first reaction. I’m surprised Vaccarro hasn’t Gregory gym’d his ass.
  9. Some aggy truly are living in the 1930's. Complete with potluck supper after the Sunday meetin and Klan Rallies after big football games on Saturday. Hey now…easy on potluck supper
  10. Edited because I’m an idiot for participating in the band debate. Someone please post some aggy screenshots so we can get back to our regularly scheduled programming
  11. Forgot to add sark having weeks to prepare. That usually works out well for us.
  12. They must not have hips in California. The skanky one (you know which one) is built like a go-gurt. I’m sure there’s a joke there as well.
  13. We better get our coverage dialed in. Michigan is honestly a better match up for us. We would have bullied their ass up front.
  14. VY’s win at the shoe during a night game was HUGE. That’s all I can remember that is close.
  15. I don’t understand how Oregon is consistently ahead of us. We have better resume as far as wins go. SOS is in our favor. Common opponent they barely beat and we PUMMELED. I don’t get it
  16. Sark has these fools figured out. Can tell by first drive
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