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Hank Chinaski

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  1. All of them are awful, MLB should stop trying to be like the NBA where every team has every color combo and multiple logos, get off my goddamned lawn.
  2. I think there’s a reasonable chance he does. He basically needs to be worth about 4-5 war / year (though that contract makes it somewhat difficult to assess performance value, given the options and deferred money). So if he produces, say, 5, 4, and 3 war seasons in ‘25-‘27, the Red Sox are probably happy. That doesn’t seem terribly unlikely.
  3. Holy shit forgot about those. Hilariously awful. These weren’t as bad but were also terrible:
  4. I don’t know anything about the kid other than what I’ve seen on this board. Hopefully he’s just making dumb decisions and will grow up. Hopefully these aren’t the first signs of bipolar or schizophrenia (which are typically diagnosed after adolescence/ in early adulthood). Have a close friend who is bipolar and decided to self medicate (mostly pot after getting off his prescribed meds) and then set everything in his life ablaze (family, career, etc) and became homeless, delusions of grandeur, the whole 9. They become the most frustrating, unlovable people and there generally aren’t a lot of good endings.
  5. I admittedly didn’t follow all of it that closely, but wouldn’t the reason to not “do a little PR” be that he maintained publicly that he did nothing wrong, and agreeing to do anger management and some sort of rehab would undermine that claim?
  6. The purpose of advertising is to draw people’s attention to a message.
  7. Not quite - it’s when you don’t have any idea who the performers are, and you take great pride in not knowing who the fuck they are - that’s when you’re officially old. Trust me on this one.
  8. Son of a bitch, this is the first I’m hearing about Bell’s struggles - after all the money we paid for him! Did you guys know about this?!?
  9. Here’s the thing. I’m Gen X. I hate the generations younger than me. I also hate the generations older than me. And for the love of god I hate my own generation.
  10. Yeah Robison was a bit of an athletic freak.
  11. As long as the jokes embarrass my wife and daughter, they’re totally worth it and I’m gonna keep firing.
  12. [note to self - need to reassess the jokes I make in public.]
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