So, is it your contention that it isn’t petty for a conference commissioner to cheerlead for one member over another, and that it isn’t petty when his second in command takes passive-aggressive jabs at a member school, based (I guess?) on a perceived slight, which is actually just that school making a sound business decision? That seems petty to me.
You’re comparing the conference office openly disparaging a member, and expressing a desire for a specific outcome in a game, to fans on message boards suggesting that the Texas AD ran the conference? Again, I expect professionalism and impartiality from the conference office; I don’t expect that of slapdicks on message boards.
Look, none of this is really that big of a deal, and not even really something anyone should be upset about - we agree there. It just seems like a poor way for the conference execs to present themselves, as they come off as scorned children.