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Hank Chinaski

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Everything posted by Hank Chinaski

  1. Oh yeah, agreed…it is unlikely. The 2001 Mariners team that won 116 games sort of had a similar run that lasted the whole season.
  2. They’re also 16-6 in 1-run games. Those tend to even out (though not always; seems like the Rangers had an extraordinarily good record in 1-run games one year…maybe 2015 or 2016?). Then again, their Pythagorean expected win total is just about where they actually are, so it’s not like you can attribute their performance to date to luck.
  3. .438/.571/.813, 2 HR in last 5 games (before tonight). Season OPS has gone from .694 to .743 in a week.
  4. Haha 2-time Heisman finalist and 1st team all American QB who went 25-2 in 08-09 in games he started (25-1 in games he actually participated in for more than a quarter goddamnit). What a shame that would be.
  5. I mean, they probably were.
  6. As long as the top 5 includes Altuve, Brantley, Bregman, Alvarez and Tucker, I don’t actually care that much about the order. But I also think that Bregman will come out of his funk any time now.
  7. Why did they ever move them to where they didn’t belong in the first place?
  8. Same. I was 9. ‘86 was such a great season and that was such a fun Astros team. I hated the Mets too. But I actually liked Strawberry - he was just awesome to watch and holy shit did he have HOF talent (he was on a clear HOF track before the years of addiction caught up to him). And I hated Gary Carter, but then he got cancer and died pretty young, and turns out he wasn’t a bad guy. And I hated Keith Hernandez, but then a few years later he was on some damn good Seinfeld episodes, so I kinda started liking him. So my hatred for the Mets took a big hit. But Lenny Dykstra - fuck that guy now and forever.
  9. 3/20 on balls in play. As you said, it happens.
  10. Oof. So the Angels paid $70 million for him to play in 103 games and produce 1.2 fWAR over the 2021 and 2022 seasons. They’ll be paying him $35mm annually for the next 4 years. He’ll be 33 next season. I think I know why the Angels can’t ever get over the hump…
  11. He does spend, but he’s spent it foolishly. Maybe that’s on his GMs, not sure how those decisions were made. But that Pujols contract always looked absurd, as he was clearly paying a guy in his 30s (and into his 40s) for production from his 20s.
  12. They’ve paid a lot of money to Albert Pujols, Josh Hamilton, CJ Wilson and Justin Upton over the last decade. They have not gotten a lot of value out of those investments. Rendon could still turn it around, but so far that signing hasn’t paid off either.
  13. Nice seats.
  14. Altuve has 1829 hits, meaning that he’s 1231 hits away from Biggio. Throwing out the Covid season, he’s averaged about 162 hits/year over the last 3 (‘18, ‘19, ‘21). So, he’d need to keep up that pace for another 7.5 years to get there. That takes him to age 39, and that’s assuming he doesn’t slow down. I hope he gets there, but I’d bet the under. Yordan has 78 HR, so 371 behind Bagwell. If he averages 35 HR/year for the next 11 years he’d pass Bagwell. That takes him to age 36. He’s never actually hit 35 HR in a year though, so let’s give him 30/year. Then it takes him a little over 12 years, meaning he’d have to average 30 through age 37. If I had to bet on one or the other, I’d probably bet on Yordan. But the odds are against either of them.
  15. He is referring to what Goldy did not Betts right, Beau Vine and SB Bruin were arguing over who was hotter (in terms of recent hitting performance, I think) between Goldy and Betts a few weeks back. BV’s post was meant to highlight the fact that Betts has cooled off and Goldschmidt has remained locked in. That’s why I commented on Goldschmidt’s day.
  16. 6/8 with 3 HR, 1 BB and 8 RBI is a solid day at the office.
  17. Astros entered the game with a .607 win%. That’s a 98-win pace. This is not a 98-win team. We are in the midst of a record correction. I think this is an 85-90 win team (.525-.555). So I’d expect the curve to continue to inch downward a little and then stabilize over time (winning % by game, 2022):
  18. Yup, Correa is better. But when you factor in age, cost, control, etc, like you said - it’s a no-brainer. Yup, in a short series, elite is absolutely overrated. Elite matters a lot more over 162 games than it does over 7 games (which is why I like fewer playoff teams, not more, but oh well).
  19. I don’t think they were throwing in any towels - I think they were sticking to the plan that was laid out years ago. They’re just not going to give out huge contracts for guys into their 30s, as we’ve discussed extensively. The only reason we had elite teams was because that core was all young and inexpensive at the same time. And yeah - Pena is at 2.5 fWAR 1/3 of the way through his rookie year, at $700k. Correa is at 1.2 fWAR at $35 million, and has missed 1/3 of his team’s games. That’s why this is the plan. I don’t hate the plan.
  20. Maybe. it would be terrific if Alvarez could play 1B, but didn't we try that a couple years ago and he was a disaster? I could be misremembering. And while the offense has been frustrating, the Astros as a team are 6th in MLB in wRC+ (111). It’s hard to see, but you have to keep in mind how shitty overall offense has been in MLB this year. The Astros are hitting .238/.316/.409. Last year, TOR hit .266/.330/.466 as a team and that was good for a 112 wRC+. Pretty much every team is hitting like shit in 2022. All that said, I agree that this is no longer an elite team. It’s a good team. It wasn’t going to last forever I guess.
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