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Everything posted by pokeNbeans

  1. I'm gay! I'm a gay man! I'm very, very gay. You're *gay*? Extraordinarily gay. Steeped in gayness.
  2. Why would anybody steal a groundhog? I can probably think of a couple of reasons. Pervert.
  3. Couple of Fried Chicken scenes in Driving Miss Daisy always made my mouth water.
  4. Not a movie, but this scene in Breaking Bad always makes me hungry. /applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
  5. Do you, uh ... do you know what I’m ... thinking about now?
  6. Do you have a...ketchup secret?
  7. So, then you asked yourselves, "Isn't there something more to life?" Yes! Yes, we did. Yeah, well, let me clue you in on something....there isn't.
  8. well.. it's gotta be somewhere. Look under his mattress.
  9. Leo, did you give Helen the fifty dollars?
  10. I respect the hell out of any group that can arrange music in 3 and 4 part harmony and Brian Wilson and John Philips from the Mama's and the Papa's were two of the best.
  11. We've got water. I don't think we have any bread, but we've got water.
  12. So was this show any good? Never watched it before.
  13. Was also one of my favorite judges on the Gong Show. Great comedian.
  14. You don't have to mention any of this to Miss Landis do you? I don't have to...but I will.
  15. You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin'laser beams attached to their heads!
  16. WW2 time travel flicks. (Because it's real to me damn it!)
  17. But maybe the two of us, working together at full capacity, could do the job of one normal man. Then each of us would only have be like a half man. That sounds about right!
  18. But, the very idea. you had me lying in urine!!
  19. In one evening. Here it is, sort of.
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