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Everything posted by pokeNbeans

  1. I actually love the one where Andy has to eat three spaghetti dinners.
  2. They need to hurry this whole thing up before Jonathan Banks turns to dust. Man, he was looking old last season.
  3. I know what she needs and I'm ready to give it to her.
  4. This movie was underrated comedic greatness.
  5. You know what. I don't have one female friend left. Oh, no, of course you don't. You're a Man's Woman. You hate other women, and they hate you. Thank you.
  6. If you're a young lady out alone and physically unable to defend yourself, for fuck's sake get a Cpl and learn how to use it. A nice little micro 9 in her purse and it would have been the psycho driver who had the huge problem.
  7. Have you ever...you know....faked it?
  8. Other than possibly Meadow and Dr. Melfi, was there anyone on that show even remotely likable? I had a love-hate thing going on as I watched it. For me, there was no one to root for or against, I hated everyone and I wanted to see them all get whacked. Yet I couldn't turn my head away, it was like watching a car accident.
  9. Jesus Christ you guys, get off his back. Michael Jackson hardly even touched some of those boys!
  10. (Wow 70 posts in....you fucks are slipping.) A parachute not opening - that's the way to die, getting caught in a combine, having your nuts bit off by a Laplander. That's the way l want to go.
  11. She was a great actress. Just loved her in Soap.... wouldn't have been half as good without her.
  12. What're you, the boyfriend? Here for a... quickie?
  13. Some really cool home movies taken "on set" by the Howard family.
  14. I believe I'll sleep a little longer, Aunt Bee. Keep my breakfast hot..... and my coffee simmering.
  15. Your bed is too small? I'm gone two weeks and you turn our house into, into Bourbon Street!
  16. Playing Lear in a movie about playing Lear was his greatest role. RIP Mr. Finney, you were greatness.
  17. I am not Jerry, under any circumstances, doing any inserting in that area.
  18. ....well maybe she couldn't spare it
  19. The old coot's sittin' on a mountain of gold!
  20. Get well soon you old bastard.
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