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Everything posted by pokeNbeans

  1. The Van Buren Boys? There's a street gang named after President Martin Van Buren?
  2. Even if you're not gonna soap up, at least pretend for my benefit. Turn the water on, do something. Yeah, just like I do.
  3. This whole sex thing is totally overrated. Now, the one thing you gotta be ready for is how the man changes into a completely different person five seconds after it's over. I mean, something happens to their personality. It's really quite astounding. It's like they committed a crime and they want to flee the scene before the police get there."
  4. She um, she wants to see The Muted Heart. Oh, The Muted Heart. Glen Close. Sally Field. Well, that should be good.
  5. "You know that just admitting a man is handsome doesn't necessarily make you a homosexual."
  6. What is she making? I don't know. But I'm sure it had, . . . parents.
  7. All three men in these two photo's
  8. Alright, alright. We do it, uh... five times a week, okay? Oooh, baby.
  9. He could've had any woman in the world.. but none could match the beauty of his own hand.. and that became his one true love..
  10. Yeah, I bought the new Avalir model 3 years ago and it's just a phenomenal machine. WARNING....If you pay more than $950.00 to $1000.00, the salesman is taking you to the cleaners. Offer him 950.00 cash and I guarantee he'll take it. Make him/her give you an extra 6 pack of replacement bags and an extra bottle of liquid soap as well. After researching what other people paid, I found out that's pretty much standard retail price. Do not fall for their initial price bid, it's nonsense.
  11. What about sex? She likes talking during sex. Oh... dirty talking? No. Just chitchat, movies, current events, regular stuff.
  12. Yeah, you're right and I would add just about any Coen bros. movie as well.
  13. A few that I haven't seen mentioned
  14. For 50 bucks? I'd put my face in the soup and blow.
  15. How would you like it if I just pulled your heart out of your chest right now, and shoved it down your throat?
  16. Brittany Spears Christina Aguilera Beyonce Gwen Stefani Rebecca Black
  17. I've seen that man in Tuscany. Eccentric fellow. Reputation of being kind of a village idiot. I still say we're related.
  18. Shooter had a right to pull his gun and point it at the guy to back him off. Choosing to pull the trigger when the dude was moving backward makes it murder or manslaughter. Really surprised he's not facing charges.
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