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Certifiably Surly
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About Moriarty

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  1. Young Moriarty when he would hear the news man on TV talk about the “gorillas’ attacking, I thought that actual gorillas were out there attacking us. And to mention something that scared the crap out of me as a youngster and stuck with me way too long…The Lord of the Rings cartoon scene where they go in and start hacking away at the beds thinking the hobbits are in there asleep.
  2. PSA - Album dropped this morning on Spotify.
  3. Is it just me or does that pic not look right. Did she shop her torso on there?
  4. Plus a state income tax of 12.3% compared to 0%...ouch
  5. Everyone survived. Didn't realize it was from 2013. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/no-control-skydivers-pilot-recounts-death-defying-leap-burning-plane-flna8C11560390
  6. I went last night, great show. Paramount has great acoustics. I didn’t even recognize Ingram when he came out to sing along on that first song. Looked to get tickets for his show in Houston on Sunday at the Heights theater, but it is sold out. Was a little surprised he didn’t sell out last nights show.
  7. Kinda long..but holy shit
  8. Thanks Spur Thanks Jerry, I owe you some rep, I'm all out for today.
  9. I mean, of course I have aspirations of her making blind retrieves at a hundred plus yards...but in reality we will probably spend the majority of our time on the couch or being harassed by the kids. But i would appreciate the info to compare with.
  10. I'm looking for a labrador retriever breeder in Texas. Any of you surlsters have any recommendations on who you have used in the past or anyone who you have heard not to use - thanks in advance.
  11. Not Decoux's? That place had amazing crab meat nachos.
  12. shit tickets slicker than cum on a gold tooth
  13. About 6-7 weeks. I’ll take a look at the ketogains - thanks
  14. What are you keto guys doing for a pre-workout meal/snack? I'm getting gassed about halfway through my workout (weight lifting days only, not really concerned about cardio days). I go to the gym early in the morning and I am looking for something quick and easy (insert mom joke here).
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