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  1. That was the point, I thought. You're not really living up to your claims or intentions of avant-garde entertainment without some weird shit. Might as well yank the band-aid off.
  2. Have you ever fed your fingertips to a wolverine?
  3. The founders are long gone, as in sold the business pre-COVID.
  4. Jerry will hire Deion. No doubt. They cut the phone lines when he wanted to draft Johnny Football instead of Zack Martin, but all the guardrails are gone now. The Deion era starts this month.
  5. SizzleChest


    I haven't bothered watching his other shows.
  6. SizzleChest


    I just watched this season over the last few days, culminating with the final season ep tonight. It's this decade's version of Dallas and Dynasty from the 80s, with more fucks, shits, and tits. It's a forgettable, guilty-pleasure type show, albeit kinda watchable. I only really gave a shit about BBTs character and the interactions with Dale and Nate. But not enough tits. Really, they fell WAY short on the nudity for the kind of show this is. And that was annoying because you can make a forgettable show less forgettable, thus more re-watches, with tits. BBTs ring tone and picture of his ex-wife was funny.
  7. Chris gets a pass for this one. He'll need to swing for the fences on the next one, though. Hopefully, in 4 months.
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