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  1. The pearl clutching by a lege that equates legalized casino gambling with child murder is pretty fucking rich.
  2. It was a tough watch, so easy to miss. I rewatched it before the latest ep because it was all a blur.
  3. I think there’s an extra layer there, as in Devon and Ricken may also have been severed and there’s a Devon/Ricken-Lumon connection from years past? It’s like when Devon found out Gemma was pregnant when only Mark knew at the time, when she went to the clinic and they engineered her miscarriage, there had to be some insider conveyance of that info. The glance Mauer gave in Gemma’s direction when she and Mark entered the clinic was knowing (and super creepy).
  4. Quin with one n is a girls name.
  5. Like a Rube Goldberg machine of accidental death.
  6. Big difference maker on the bench, that Jai.
  7. I would have insisted on a lye washout.
  8. Don't think he put any thought into it.
  9. You should fuck off. It can be at the Drafthouse on South Lamar in Austin, for one.
  10. That was a pretty restrained (and well done) appeal.
  11. Tech’s pitcher is what, 14?
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