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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I'm so sorry Brisket. Your dad sounds like he was an amazing human being. Y'all were lucky to have him and his legacy lives on in you and your kids. Loss of a loved one hits like a freight train when it first hits, but these things get easier with time. Never goes away, but it does get easier to bear. May memories of your father carry you until then.
  2. Please, that dude doesn't even know the right words.
  3. What do you expect when you send a package through a vacation destination like Woodbridge, IL? You are competing against Cypress Grove Aquatic Park and Seven Bridges Ice Arena, dude. You'll be lucky if your jersey ever gets tired of Woodbridge. I'd order another one and this time, make sure it ships through Oklahoma.
  4. They showed a longer clip later. Bielema did the "substitution penalty" with arms extended as soon as he left his own sideline and continued it the entire way across the field.
  5. They don't have much depth, so Rocket Sanders sitting out killed their running game and they rely on RPOs pretty heavily.
  6. Illinois had been subbing late and Beamer was complaining to the refs about it. There was an injured Illinois player on the South Carolina side of the field. Bielema waddled across the field with arms extended in a "substitution penalty" taunting Beamer. Then continued to do so, rather than checking on his injured player. No flag. Beamer was pissed, went ape shit and was yelling at the refs "you saw that", and yelling at Bielema for being trash.
  7. Yup, he's still a freshman. I've watched pretty much all their games and he can be really good, but he makes freshman mistakes.
  8. I've got popcorn, let's take this strugglefest to overtime.
  9. Texas 37 ASU 13 TX rushing yards = 278
  10. CSB alert/ We set up Skittlebrau as a blind taste test at a grad school happy hour once. Results confirmed our expected hypotheses. Citrus ones with light beers were the "best". Anything with grape is horrible.
  11. Apparently Bingo is a Bum Scooter too. Probably the Bum Worms.
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