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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pods

  1. Yep. He's caved on every possible issue, or committee membership, thought he had a deal, and they fucked him anyway. They are #NeverKevin and McCarthy's a moron that still thinks he can bribe them.
  2. No one knows. He keeps flipping the money table over and telling them to read it again.
  3. Every day they are fucking up the voting for Speaker is one fewer day they are fucking up the rest of the country.
  4. They are going to continue to be nothing, but noise. If they actually had anything, we'd have seen it by now.
  5. We need them to miss the XP so we can get overtime.
  6. Agreed. College football is much lesser for his passing. Why couldn't it have been Switzer?
  7. The Statesman decided decades ago they'd make more money employing a troll, than trying to find a legitimate sports commentator. Besides, someone actually good at their job might leave for a bigger market.
  8. TCU winning is bad for Texas. This isn't complicated.
  9. Making them work really hard for this. D is balling right now.
  10. So as long as we block this, and run it back, we have a second half comeback chance.
  11. It's the same as every time this stupid topic comes up. It was a shit pass, but it was still catchable and Whitt has to make that catch. Ewers is going to be wild. Our WR need to catch them.
  12. Yes, Sark would still be passing on 3rd and 3 with Bijan.
  13. It was Bush the Lesser for me. He sucked as governor and we'd have been better off if we kept Richards. He wasn't a serious person and wasn't serious about governing. When the Pubs picked him, it ripped the scales from my eyes and showed me they weren't serious about governing. Him fucking up Iraq and Afghanistan validated that decision. I considered myself independent until Palin, which slammed shut any possibility I'd vote anything but D.
  14. Defeat them at the polls. Defeat after defeat after defeat. We can never relent, they are irrational actors and can never again be entrusted with power. Grind the Republican party into ashes and throw them onto the dustbin of history. GQP delenda est.
  15. This really is amazing to watch in real time. It's going to be in business books right next to the Dutch tulip bubble.
  16. Someone met us at the gate. I think it was someone senior at the airport, not the airline itself, but don't recall what capacity. They only thing he asked was if we were okay, but he asked every group that question as we came through the door. I don't know if he asked any other questions of people behind me, or that lingered. I was in GTFO Dodge mode at that point, so I moved through pretty quickly. I'm not sure whether anyone tried to follow up. I was in WY doing field work for the summer and it was pre-cell phone days. My old apartment phone number would have rung as disconnected. It continued until we landed and then stopped when we slowed down. That definitely seems possible. It was a much steeper descent than I've ever experienced. They dropped it with a purpose, really quickly. By the time we noticed the noise, and the FA notified the pilots, the pilot already had us at ~11,000. It makes sense that they wouldn't be worried about it at that altitude, especially if they were already aware of it from a sensor. Appreciate the feedback, it's been interesting getting your perspective.
  17. I know you're a pilot and you're probably right. Door seal would def explain the noise. I wish I remember the plane, but it was 20 years ago. A puddle jumper between Salt Lake City and Casper, WY as we were getting close to Casper. I'm curious what they would have done differently if we were losing cabin pressure. It was over rural Wyoming and Casper would have been the closest airport. They said they were going to drop in altitude a little early, but nothing to worry about, and dropped down to 10-12,000 feet for the rest of the flight. The headache didn't go away until after we landed, but it stopped getting worse after they dropped.
  18. When that blessed day finally arrives, it might be time to rent an RV and go on a grave pissing tour. Simi Valley for Reagan, Yorba Linda for Nixon, then cross country for whichever of Trump's golf courses they stash his body and some classified documents in. If we're lucky, maybe we'll get a Roger Stone or Steve Bannon as well.
  19. Dearest Family, I hope this letter finds you well. The war on Christmas has entered a 6th bleak long year. The boys and I on the front have been dug in since the pre-Halloween offensive, facing the secular humanists in their trenches. We've been trading artillery barrages for weeks, but this morning we awoke to find the enemy far to our rear. Led by Generals Biden and Obama, the anti-Christmas crusaders have broken through, taken our headquarters... and our messaging. Morale is very low. We remain under heavy shelling by the Kwanzists and Hannukahites. With Christmas cheer ringing out to our rear, some of the boys have begun to doubt if we were ever even fighting anything real, but I remain steadfast and will not fail you, though all I have to comfort me at night are my pictures of Hunter Biden's dong. Please send Christmas cookies. With love, Skeeter
  20. Had this happen on a 21 seat 2-prop plane. Out of nowhere, no warning, plane suddenly plummeted, everything hit the ceiling, including probably 1/3 of the passengers and at least one flight attendant. Seat belt sign was not lit. I had mine on anyway, so it "just" shook the shit out of me. Plane lurched side to side and up and down. Huge excursions in a tiny plane. It was like some sort of a bad horror B movie. Probably lasted 4-5 minutes. Seemed like an eternity. Every adult on the plane thought we were going to die. Everyone. Plane finally settles out and every adult is grey/green and looks like they just had a brush with death. Many of them were vomiting in the airsick bags. Kid in the aisle across from me looks over and says "What's the matter mister, you don't like roller coasters?" I say "yeah, but I like them with tracks under me." Everyone laughs that awkward relieved laugh. A few seconds later, we notice a loud whining sound from the top left of the cabin door. It's obviously leaking or gaining air through some sort of gap. We alerted flight attendants, they alerted the pilot. Pilot says it's nothing to worry about. We're almost to our destination. We continued the flight, the noise stayed constant and everyone got severe headaches that continued until after we land. I'm 99.9% sure we were losing cabin pressure and oxygen. It was a while before I was comfortable on a plane again after this.
  21. I'm aware. That's why I said lost their last bit of cool. I don't think Twitter will have a similar soft landing.
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