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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pods

  1. Pods

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    Texas and Oklahoma both have sovereign immunity laws. Fuck the Big XII, just leave.
  2. Look at that, Ewers finally completed one of those bombs.
  3. Hey this throwing it to Worthy thing isn't working, so let's bash our fucking heads on the wall until it does.
  4. TIL Ukrainians pronounce Kherson as Herson. Finally a Ukrainian city I can reliably spell and I've been mispronouncing it for months.
  5. AZ- Kelly will win. NV- CCM is likely to catch Laxalt. To take the Senate, the GOP needs 2/3 of NV, AZ and GA. GOP best path is NV + GA. Probably not going to happen.
  6. Amazing timeline that we are in where you read a tweet that reads "Watching a desperately deranged malignant narcissist implode is quite something" and then have to read further to see if it's about Trump or Elon.
  7. We always use these modifiers, but they don't really apply anymore. In reality, it's just right wing now. There's no such thing as radical right, ultra right, any other descriptor. Anyone who isn't ultra-MAGA über alles has left the GQP. The lunatics are running the asylum.
  8. Exactly. Who needs Russia, if there are no civilized values in it?
  9. Insert Dukes of Hazzard joke here, but with whatever the South African equivalent of Dixie is.
  10. Elon views himself and his online activities to be the best possible advertising. Until now, it's been free and highly effective. He's been able to manipulate markets and inflate his own investments at will. A good comparison of what's happening to Elon is what's happening to aggy. When relatively few people look closely at maladaptive behavior, it's easy to write it off as harmless eccentricity. Eventually though, narcissists can't help themselves. They push and push until they pass a threshold where everyone can see what they really are. Elon has lived his entire life in Fuckaroundtown, but he just moved to Findoutsville and hasn't grasped it yet. He'll always be a billionaire, but he will never again approach the level of adoration he's previously enjoyed. Hope he likes hanging with the mouthbreathers. Doubt they will buy many Teslas though.
  11. If only they had turned on him for attacking democracy, or trying to extort Ukraine, or his countless other high crimes and misdemeanors. They wouldn't be in this mess.
  12. Go Mancini. Cue the Pink Panther music.
  13. "Duece gets loose with just the smallest of cracks." Someone just got back from the buffet at Pancho's.
  14. That first part doesn't appear to be the case. The Ukrainian official said it's a huge problem for their military. The terminals were purchased by Ukraine, Space X is charging $2500/month for the connection. They were removed, because Ukraine can't pay that. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/04/politics/spacex-ukraine-elon-musk-starlink-internet-outage/index.html Regarding the second part, I agree. Musk is as full of shit as always. Plenty of others footing the bill and not every terminal in Ukraine needs the $2500/month plan.
  15. Pods

    The Supremes

    More or less, but Congress has to actually pass the law saying "fuck em" and formally take away what was previously promised. In this case, Congress took the land from the tribes, but left the tribes with jurisdiction over crimes committed by natives.
  16. Great read. This describes the demise of Hornfans very well. The blinking envelopes and open owner contempt for the user base alienated a huge section of the site and an even larger portion of the most active users. As soon as there was a viable alternative, a huge chunk of the best posters left and the site became a shell in a few months. Cycle repeated itself with shaggy and we're currently watching the same thing with Elon. If anyone can see this train wreck coming, it should be us.
  17. This is where the motivation difference is going to be huge. Every member of the UA army wants to be there and is fighting for something much bigger than themselves. The Russian troops are just trying to tread water until someone offs Putin.
  18. My props to your dad and his buddies. Camping for long stretches sucks, even when it's not cold, but winter is much worse. I've done field work during the winter and you never really get warm, regardless of gear. Even a fire only warms whatever side you have facing it. The other side is still cold, especially if it's windy. The toll on your body adds up quickly. Without proper googles/glasses, eyelashes freeze shut in the wind. Fingers and toes get cold and numb and stay that way, making them clumsy and stiff. Every ache and pain becomes magnified due to the cold. There are a lot of middle aged+ Russian troops in horrid physical condition. They are going to be feeling every one of those aches turned to 11. Every part of it is miserable, even with good gear, which none of the RU troops have. When General Winter starts fucking with their minds and bodies, Russians will be surrendering en masse just to get warm again.
  19. All the weird mofos constantly stanning for him make him think we give a shit what his opinions are. All the professional trolls stanning for him make the rest of us think far more actual people care about him than really do. It's quite noticeable that the same professional liars are always pro-Russia, pro-Bitcoin and pro-Musk no matter what.
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