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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pods

  1. They even more pathetic part is they they ripped Sandstorm off from their cross division rival. South Carolina had been playing it for 5 years before aggy stadiums began to sway.
  2. Another T-90 down. M777 shoot and scoot. Make sure to wait for the end to see what's painted on the front of the vehicle.
  3. That's not true. They got to celebrate a national championship AND Hitler invading Poland all in the same season. It's just every year since then that's been not so good for them.
  4. Especially with remote work. CO was safely blue before, but that margin got padded considerably. Same thing that is making Utah tight for Mike Lee. Lots of dems relocated to somewhere they could find cheaper housing and public lands to access during COVID.
  5. Pods

    The Supremes

    Should have held hearings and impeached Thomas as soon as Ginni Thomas' role in this started to surface.
  6. Yeah, thanks for wasting both of our time.
  7. Been wondering that. Looks like the receivers are losing the ball in the sun. We'll find out now, get to go the other for a quarter. Hope it effects the OSU wideouts like it seem to be effecting ours.
  8. More good news. UA shot down 15 of 20 Iranian drones today. Those drones have no evasion. UA is only going to get better at this.
  9. They are not zippy at all. The Shahed 136 we've seen so far is a delta wing that travels at low speed. It is about as maneuverable as a yield sign with a bomb strapped to it. The only thing that shape is good at for low speeds is it is stable at steep climbs, or dives. They suck side to side. They are also pre-programmed to their target, so they shouldn't move at all. They are small, but their flight path should be highly predictable once detected. Radar batteries and old school AA with proximity fuses should annihilate them. The cruise missiles might be more of a challenge, but the UA anti-air is good. With the drones controlled, they could then focus on cruise missiles and air planes with a high rate of success.
  10. The rounds for ones used on land self-destruct in the air if they don't hit the target. The biggest problem is the range and the amount of ammo we'd need. The range is only ~2.2 miles. It would take a metric shit ton of CIWS to defend the cities and I don't think we'd have enough if we stripped every US facility and ship. We definitely wouldn't have enough self-destructing ammo. Without a huge scale-up, CIWS are not a practical solution defending entire cities, they are really only practical for defending smaller areas, like the capital, or downtown.
  11. Look, maybe he didn't post every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically he posted them, yeah.
  12. Israel needs to get on board with democracy and decide which side they're on, or they need to
  13. I hope we play OU every year until the end of time, but I hope we don't wind up with annual aggy and Arkansas games. Those games are usually lose-lose games for us and though close, they suck as destinations for the fanbase. I'd much rather play the rest of the league more often than annual trips to one of those shitholes every year. I hope they go one traditional rival and rotate the rest.
  14. Exactly, you can only shoot the hostage once. If he shoots the hostage and uses a nuke, everything turns on him, and his odds of even short-term survival are zero. As @atomheartbevo pointed out, Putin very obviously doesn't want to die.
  15. The dog and the other thousands of daily reminders of the Russians extreme cruelty are why the united message from all of our leaders should be that we will continue to support Ukraine until the Russians are utterly defeated, chased back across the 2014 boundaries and the hundreds of thousands of abducted Ukrainians are returned home. Rarely in history have things ever been so clearly good versus evil. If that's not enough reason, look at it coldly analytical. We've enabled Ukraine to destroy the bulk of the "professional" Russian army and most of the trainers needed to replace them, along with the bulk of their equipment and most of the reserves, while shattering the image of invincibility that Putin had cultivated for decades. We've shown clearly that US tech is the best on the planet and it's not close. You want good shit? Best be our friends or you get to enjoy your turret toss when you do need those tanks. We've restored the badly damaged reputation of US intel agencies. They've been fucking nails in this. We did all this and more for a little over 2.2% of our annual defense budget. It's one of the best return on investments in military history. Stopping before finishing the job, or even encouraging Putin that might be a possibility, would be asininely stupid. Politics, politicians and celebrities need to not fuck this up. We need to present a united message toward Russia. Now is not the time to force Ukraine to negotiate and sell their citizens into slavery. Now is not the time to encourage Russia that our will might fade. Now is the time to pour it on and end the Russian threat for the next few decades.
  16. Should be safe trying to shoot them. The ones the Russians have been using are delta wing kamikaze drones and not very agile at the speeds they fly. I also read that they are pre-programed with a target, so they can't be jammed as easily.
  17. The ones I've seen have been delta wing designs. You'd have to put a really big hole in it to get a delta wing to lose lift. That said, they are big and clumsy, not at all maneuverable and with a distinctive radar signal. We need to get Ukraine more air defense systems and they'll fuck these Iranian drones up.
  18. It's Elon. His track record says he'll cut every possible corner. If they give it to him, they need to verify it down to the punctuation and keep monitoring on him for the duration.
  19. Technically all universities are Homo U's. I'm not aware of the Australopithecines starting any. I gotta give aggy credit for knowing their genus. I guess they are a lot more anthropologically literate than I thought they were.
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