The dog and the other thousands of daily reminders of the Russians extreme cruelty are why the united message from all of our leaders should be that we will continue to support Ukraine until the Russians are utterly defeated, chased back across the 2014 boundaries and the hundreds of thousands of abducted Ukrainians are returned home. Rarely in history have things ever been so clearly good versus evil.
If that's not enough reason, look at it coldly analytical. We've enabled Ukraine to destroy the bulk of the "professional" Russian army and most of the trainers needed to replace them, along with the bulk of their equipment and most of the reserves, while shattering the image of invincibility that Putin had cultivated for decades. We've shown clearly that US tech is the best on the planet and it's not close. You want good shit? Best be our friends or you get to enjoy your turret toss when you do need those tanks. We've restored the badly damaged reputation of US intel agencies. They've been fucking nails in this.
We did all this and more for a little over 2.2% of our annual defense budget. It's one of the best return on investments in military history. Stopping before finishing the job, or even encouraging Putin that might be a possibility, would be asininely stupid.
Politics, politicians and celebrities need to not fuck this up. We need to present a united message toward Russia. Now is not the time to force Ukraine to negotiate and sell their citizens into slavery. Now is not the time to encourage Russia that our will might fade. Now is the time to pour it on and end the Russian threat for the next few decades.