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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pods

  1. Trump staged an insurrection/coup, it just temporarily failed. They are now regrouping for a second try.
  2. Creates a perverse incentive for them to make sure the suspect is killed in any cases where they think they may have screwed up.
  3. GOP Former Chief Justice Warren Burger. Each quote is a separate time he was talking about the issue.
  4. Looks like Dvornikov has been sacked. Putin's purge continues. We'll see if his general purges can catch up with the repeated failures at Chornobaivka. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russias-top-commander-for-the-ukraine-war-hasnt-been-seen-for-2-weeks-report/ar-AAXWHJS
  5. Police knew there were still kids alive at 12:13 p.m. https://abcnews.go.com/US/full-victims-video-appears-show-texas-911-dispatchers/story?id=85077976 Virtually everything they've told us has been a lie.
  6. Police knew there were still kids alive at 12:13 p.m. https://abcnews.go.com/US/full-victims-video-appears-show-texas-911-dispatchers/story?id=85077976
  7. Edited, apparently one of the victims died.
  8. 3 shot and injured at Xavier University after a high school graduation.
  9. fatty is unintentionally making a strong case for restrictions on handguns.
  10. Russia deploying their training units into combat with obsolete gear. If they don't win now, they are going to have trouble training troops in the very near future. Going to see even more recruits rushed straight into battle. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/05/28/to-replenish-its-army-in-ukraine-russia-plans-to-strip-its-training-units-it-can-only-do-this-once/?sh=5a9db363a98f
  11. They were, but he slipped through the cracks. As long as the shooters can get these guns so easily, you are playing Whack-A-Mole and this will happen regularly. https://gizmodo.com/surveillance-tech-uvalde-robb-elementary-school-shootin-1848977283
  12. I'm so sorry bt. I wish there were some words we could say that would make it hurt less now, but it does hurt less with time. RIP Ace.
  13. True, but if the MOC they are working for opposes sensible gun reform, it's pretty good odds the person answering the phone agrees with the MOC.
  14. There are good and bad in most professions, not all. The "good" cops coverup for the bad cops, enabling them to abuse the rest of us. They relinquish any claims of being "good" anything when they enable bad cops to prey on citizens.
  15. Teachers are incompetent and responsible for the shooting, because they left the door propped open. Also, we need to arm all the teachers. Makes sense...
  16. I know 19 kids and 2 teachers that would have liked the chance to meet their SWAT team.
  17. Body armor too. They have all the gear they need to storm the school and potentially save more children's lives. Somehow, they choose to make a bad situation even worse. Disgraceful cowards actively prevented the families from doing anything about it either. Everyone of them should be fired, or run out of elected office.
  18. He's in Ukraine right now, doing what He always does, answering an infinitesimally small number of prayers, while ignoring the vast majority of others. Heaven has always had problems with the switchboard.
  19. We must secure the existence of our people and a domestic supply of infants.
  20. Pederastic Pedophile Proponents Pissed Pelosi Prioritizes Privacy
  21. It's like Russia is playing Potemkin Go and has to catch them all.
  22. Bullshit. They view us as exceptionally fat.
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