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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pods

  1. Good, but they should have made the crab Switzerland.
  2. Fuck looters, but I hope they kept the cart. They are each going to need a couple of them to carry money to buy a loaf of bread, on the unlikely event they ever get home. At one point, 4 of the 7 clumped all together with no one looking out for ambush. Keep this up with this same lack of situational awareness and they are likely to fertilize sunflowers soon.
  3. There was clearly dissension before the war. Putin publicly confronted and castrated his spy chief in front of the cameras. He then released it to the public. He doesn't do that unless he is trying to suppress dissension.
  4. The Chechen war criminals were supposed to kill Zelensky, but got fucking wrecked and their general is now dead.
  5. There's been some discussion about why many of the Russian tanks don't have slat armor and whether it would help much against the drones, NLAW and Javelins. Doesn't look like it helped these guys much, though R/TankPorn says they are spaced too far apart.
  6. Was thinking the same thing. This makes the most sense if we DON'T have an inside man, but want him to think we do.
  7. The further from the Belarus border, the better, as long as it's hit before getting in range of Kyiv. They are still days out at this pace. Plenty of time.
  8. Going to have to be a lot more specific than just calling out "Bear Fucker" around the Russian Army.
  9. As bad as it looked, there is hope now. People are finally standing up to the single biggest destabilizing, anti-democratic force on the planet. Putin has vaporized years worth of infiltrating Western governments, years of drip-drip-drip appeasement polices. The greed, arrogance, evil and hubris of a small-minded narcissist, surrounded by sycophants laid bare for all to see. Putin couldn't have fucked this up this massively if he'd set out to do it on purpose, it's amazing.
  10. We had a mutual enemy. The Russians are never on anyone's side, but their own. Nations forget that at their own peril.
  11. @JesusSweatDuck posted this earlier. Allegedly one of the Turkish drones.
  12. As many as he thinks it takes, if no one stops him. He's Littlefinger and would burn it all down to be crowned King of the Ashes.
  13. Agree, this is what Rubio was referring to. The only way they "take" the city by Monday is to commit wide spread, systemic war crimes and destroy it. That happens and there is no going back to normal for the oligarch/generals. Hope you fuckers like never leaving Russia again. Ever.
  14. Crypto I don't think Putin thought Germany would agree to any major sanctions, because of NS2. That caught him by surprise. I really don't think he foresaw losing access to Swift. Germany was extremely unlikely to go along until Putin announced he wanted to reform the Russian Empire/USSR. and then showed massive weakness. Hungary and Cyprus were solid no votes in Putin's back pocket
  15. When Russia labeled this a "special military operation", I didn't know they meant this kind of special.
  16. At this point, it's clear that atom is right on the night vision. So far at least, the Russians don't have the ability to fight at night. In addition to the MANPADS and Javelins, we need to get the Ukrainians more night vision equipment and let them start taking it to the Russians in the dark.
  17. It would have made sense for Putin to drum up expectations of conflict, only to walk them back, making the eastern territories official while the world breathed a sigh of relief. This is madness. All options have significant and unpredictable downside for him. It entirely possible he's blatantly and casually lied so long, he believes his own bullshit.
  18. Yeah, it amazed me at the time that more couldn't see it. Virtually everyone was in the appeasement camp. That's played out exactly as it always does. I'm surprised and pleased to see more consensus this time.
  19. Sorry if already posted, but here's a translated version of Putin's speech. I haven't had time to finish it yet, but he's pretty clearly trying to lay out an argument that Russia was wronged and has the right to retake any former territories. He claims the Bolsheviks in 1917 gave too much autonomy to regions of the Russian Empire as a way to maintain control and this was compounded by Stalin. He claims Ukraine is purely a creation of the Bolsheviks and never existed apart from Russia. He claims the Bolsheviks and Stalin were weak and doesn't believe these regions should have been given autonomy. He especially does not think the SSR's should have had the ability to leave without preconditions and consequences.
  20. Video rants are more their style. Here's the best I could find, but it would probably be more convincing to him if this guy was semi-shouting this while sitting in a truck wearing sunglasses.
  21. Trump politicized this and it cost the dipshit re-election. Every previous GOP President listens to the scientists, follows their recommendations and rallies the country around a common enemy, handily winning re-election. It takes a special combination of narcissistic, stupid and evil to fuck up that layup.
  22. Quite. What's even more problematic is that I meant to type 2022. The next election decides whether we stay a Republic, or go full Trump minority-rule fascism. We have until November to turn it around.
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