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Everything posted by ulukinatme

  1. Ya'll have options this time around:
  2. Yeah, took better care of my family than Obama did, much better than Biden did. This your dude?
  3. His math might be off based on the AP. Ended up being 24% of black men, so up a bit from 2020. https://apnews.com/article/election-harris-trump-women-latinos-black-voters-0f3fbda3362f3dcfe41aa6b858f22d12#
  4. Kill lists 😆 Some of you need help. Do you hear yourselves when this paranoia comes out?
  5. I don't think you do. If you're a doctor you're more insulated from the struggles of the last four years to make ends meet, that's why you're going to be fine. For those less fortunate it's been a rough four years. It's a big reason this was a landslide in the other direction. At the very least if inflation is low or remains constant the next four years than we can expect prices won't be climbing as quickly as they were. That would be a welcome result for many. Expecting that half the country won't be fine is a bunch of doom and gloom and unrealistic. We've been through this once before, some of us were even better off during those years. We'll get through the next four years too.
  6. He's busy peeing on Russian hookers in celebration.
  7. You should try reality sometime, leave your echo chamber and see it's not that bad.
  8. This map and @SimonBolivar's were the only ones that ended up being close.
  9. Please, hindsight being 20/20 and all, what more could Trump have done to save lives above the lockdowns, the masking mandates, pushing for the jab to get approved, etc? What more did other leaders do that he did not? Compare the steps Trump's administration took to what Biden did, which was the same strategy. Are you saying Biden did a better job? Lets look at the deaths again. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/health/2021/10/06/u-s--covid-deaths-in-2021-top-2020-total
  10. Have you followed her career or listened to her speak? You tell me.
  11. Great rebuttal. Try using fewer words next time, I wouldn't want to get lost in your eloquent riposte.
  12. Tulsi just helped Trump win again. She's soundly beaten Kamala twice now. I don't think she's the one crying.
  13. I haven't been trolling. Our family did better during those four years than the last four. I've already listed the reasons above. If I'm honest, we did better those four years than the years under Obama too. $3-4 gas, our medical premiums and deductibles skyrocketed after Obamacare went in. My sister couldn't afford insurance at the time, so she got hit with the fee for not having insurance (The "Shared Responsibility Payment"). Talk about a hit in the nuts for someone already struggling, we helped give her money for her and her husband to pay the fee. While her husband later got a different job that provided insurance, Trump eventually was able to remove that Shared Responsibility Payment which would have been helpful if my brother-in-law was unable to find other work. I'm not trying to own anyone, I'm just bringing the facts and why I went the route I did. If it's any consolation I would have voted for Tulsi in 2020 if she won the primary. She was fairly level headed and middle of the road, and then Hillary threw her under the bus with Russia bullshit.
  14. Lots of insults, not a lot of substance. That's a good indicator when someone doesn't have a leg to stand on. Explain how half the country are a bunch of evil nazis because they checked a box on a piece of paper. Did they happen to invade Poland on the way to their voting precinct? If you're not getting your news from PBS news hour, what PBS program are you pulling your information from? Sesame Street? I'm not sure I would admit to using NPR. "This right wing conspiracy theory about eating bugs is about as racist as you think" https://www.npr.org/2024/03/06/1197955874/code-switch-bug-eating-03-06-2024
  15. I did, because as I mentioned taking care of said special needs child was easier during those four years. Reckless government spending tied with record inflation the last four years doesn't make that easier. It's your opinion things are going to get worse economically. From a pocketbook standpoint it would be hard for it to be much worse than the last four years. If it turns out like you say, Trump isn't being re-elected, and the Democrats will be in office once again. My money is on an easier four years though, and you'll have to own that you've been blowing this election result out of proportion.
  16. I care about taking care of my family first and foremost. I've got a special needs child, things can be tight. The 2016-2020 years were pretty good to our family. Low inflation, home value went up as we were looking to sell, cheap gas and food, increased tax credits for the kids, and wound up with an extra bonus at work the year the tax revision went into place. The last 4 years haven't been so great. I think of others, but they come second after family. I think a lot of people in similar situations were looking for the reset button yesterday. I don't care about his rants, I tend not to pay attention to them, they're a waste of time. Good luck to you as well.
  17. And you think one troll on Surly, of all places, speaks for half the country? Seriously, get offline, talk to some regular people. Eh, Reuters is better, but you could be doing worse. PBS is left leaning, but not extreme. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/pbs-news-hour/
  18. Hey...not a fascist, my guy. Try Reuters.
  19. No. Nor do I think California is a hellscape of homeless that experiences blackouts weekly. San Diego was beautiful. Didn't make it to LA, heard good things.
  20. Do you see how comparing the other party to a dictatorship from the 40s that tried to ally with Hitler to conquer the world...takes away any credibility you have? I forgot when Trump started putting liberals in gas chambers. These extreme comparisons are ridiculous. They're not even close. That didn't stop Kamala from using such tactics. How did that desperation work out?
  21. It's no wonder so many here are standing on the edge and looking to move to Europe. This is a warped perception that is completely divergent from reality. Most people on both sides of the aisle are hard working Americans, decent people. If you see the other side as all fascists or supporting fascism you're a sheep that's been brainwashed into this dystopian view of society. Quit consuming propaganda, look at more unbiased news sources. You'll be happier.
  22. Yeah, there's a lot of assholes on this site, always have been. Moose out front should have told ya. Doesn't mean they represent the majority.
  23. I'm gonna guess you're going to say a conservative. Do you have proof? Were you around when the first internet bros were talking politics online? Your opinion is not fact, no matter how much you want it to be. Take a break from propaganda for a bit, touch grass, talk with some regular people offline that have different opinions than you. I promise they're not all fascists.
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