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Armybrat last won the day on May 12 2024

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  1. I wear white socks with Skechers and drawstring shorts.
  2. My grandpa was a crack shot too. When rheumatic fever caused him to be bed-ridden for a whole year in the late 1890s, his dad gave him a .22 rifle to target shoot out his bedroom window. He became quite proficient, but did get a month time out after his parents came home on their wagon from shopping in town and caught him shooting tin cans off his sister’s head. In his teen years he was banned from the carnival shooting galleries whenever they came to his county periodically because the barkers quickly learned that gangly kid would clean them out of prizes. Anyway, here he is with his last .22 - a Reminigton semiauto that was chambered for shorts only. Lots of squirrels were put on the dinner table:
  3. Oughta throw in a waterfront property big enough for a golf resort.
  4. Better be careful about messin’ with the Canucks…..
  5. Sometimes it amazes me he’s now a senior VP at a regional banking system and is responsible for overseeing $20 Billion in assets.
  6. Bohemia….. haven’t thought about that brew in decades. While living & going to school in Mexico 64 years ago, my classmates impressed upon me that the guys all drank Bohemia and Carta Blanca was strictly for the women. Dos Equis, Corona, & Tecate were considered donkey piss suitable for the campesinos & pobres.
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