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Everything posted by Armybrat

  1. Hans Mueller’s tent was our go-to for decades.
  2. That should be interesting. I’d like to see those lights.
  3. Couldn’t take the loss, eh?
  4. Armybrat

    Getting old sucks

    Minor surgery by her podiatrist corrected that bending fairly well.
  5. No, I didn’t know about those Garands being converted. As an army brat, the only weapons I got to handle were a 1911, an M1A Carbine, and an M3 Grease Gun. While with my Dad & brothers at a small post range in Puerto Rico 70 years ago, I got to shoot the first two after his sergeant gave us some basic instruction. Hated the .45 because of the recoil in my 10 year old hands, but the carbine was fun. We were only allowed to handle the M3..
  6. No - long gone since the 1990s
  7. Long ago, a beer joint in Frame Switch sponsored what they called a “world championship ski competition” on that dredged pond. It is just north of Frame Switch off 79 between Hutto & Taylor. Across from the huge new Samsung plant.
  8. Health be damned, if he can walk he’s gonna play.
  9. And there should be a list of phrases used by football broadcasters like this one….”To the house”. I don’t care how long it has been around or who started it (Howard Cosell maybe?). It’s just plain stupid. Get off my gottdamn lawn
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