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Everything posted by Armybrat

  1. And Charlie puffed up his little concave chest when he typed it.
  2. The pacemaker tech nurse checked my device Monday and said the battery has 9.5 years of charge remaining. I laughed. At least I can still ride my stationary exercise bike a total of two hours per week to keep limber. Am down 75 lbs from my peak weight several years ago but still have about 50 to go. Hope I can get there so as to contribute that much less to global warming when the crematorium is fired up for my carcass.
  3. They did cover the hole, and the plumbers on their way over sometime today…
  4. Not so trivial: plumbing repairs under our house slab to fix sewer drain pipe. Very expensive to excavate 20’ through a limestone rock shelf to get at the problem - collapsed sewer drain plus tree root invasion. After two days of jackhammering excavation plus one hour this morning under our house, it is dead quiet all of a sudden and that crew is packing up. Hopefully the plumbing crew will come sooner rather than later to do the drainpipe repairs and install the new commode to get that guest bath in working order. As for the massive pile of dirt & rock in our back yard, that will not be backfilled into the excavation hole until the building inspection is done. The photo was made about halfway through the digging/drilling process. In the meantime, the local wildlife better not crawl under there.
  5. We went to the Round Rock Chuy’s yesterday for the first time in many months. I had the chicken fajitas which were pretty good, but not quite up to snuff with their different “flavor” flour tortillas.And they skimped on the sauteed onions. Mrs. Brat had the queso compuesto appetizer which was very good, as was her house ‘Rita.
  6. He ain’t no Butch Cassidy.
  7. Was referring to the Chinese. I like Danes, except for Legos.
  8. That is two weeks in Russian time.
  9. What do you mean “could”?
  10. Yep, I was there…
  11. And after the LHB played “Amazing Grace” on their field to honor the victims, the aggy fake army band did their standard “saw ‘em off” trash formation.
  12. Mine just shoots dust
  13. How many times have we seen a big lead in the first half this season vs starting slow?
  14. Agree, but that is a mighty BIG “if”.
  15. Cosby chunking those date rape drugs.
  16. My college girlfriend’s home number was HO-50227.
  17. Our tech equipment guy better be using a decibel meter at Pyle and keep a log of any shenanigans.
  18. It don’t make a shit.
  19. Definitely this if they are anywhere near our benches or aimed at them from the sides. What petulant self unaware little bitches they are. But somebody should publicly ask their staff why do they need those if they claim to be the loudest most intimidating crowd in college football? Maybe when aggy plays in Memorial Stadium next year we return the favor with Burnt Orange smoke billowing up from underneath the visitors benches? (I know we are above that shit and wouldn’t think of treating the visitors that way in spite of what the fatass LSU coach claimed about no A/C)
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