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Everything posted by Armybrat

  1. Texas/Michigan drew 9.35 million TV viewers, 1.15 million more than aggy/Notre Dame’s prime time night game.
  2. Delta flight knocks tail off commuter jet on taxiway https://nypost.com/2024/09/10/us-news/delta-jet-clips-another-plane-on-taxiway-at-atlanta-airport-cleanly-knocking-smaller-planes-tail-off/
  3. Did any of the Michigan fans graciously guide you to the Big House?
  4. Well, we’ve seen what’s next. Lol
  5. It was ok at the 1999 Big 12 CCG in the Alamo Dome…
  6. Correct….even though it has been a while.
  7. I don’t like our players disrespecting opponents’ houses in that manner. It’s bush league behavior, IMO. The team’s performance on the field accomplished any statement of dominance very clearly.
  8. McAngus Road…. Next door to Rastegar’s development. My nephews and their crowd have the dove hunting locked down.
  9. Imagine paying your sitting national championship coach $10 million a year to watch App State lose on TV.
  10. You Dove hunt anywhere near the CotA racetrack?
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