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Everything posted by Armybrat

  1. Nixon’s Executive Order #11616 in 1970 at first was a political success, but led to recession & stagflation.
  2. Don’t kid yourself. I’d wager 99% of the students don’t even think about praying at public school. And the 1% minority just indulge right before they start their final exams……or waiting for the hot teacher to bend over.
  3. Doesn’t matter…. Public schools have no business teaching Bible Studies, the Talmud, the Koran…. Etc. If you want your kids to take Bible studies send them to your church’s Sunday school. That is their business.
  4. Double knit bellbottoms ftw
  5. No oosik. That collection which includes the 3 piece scrimshawed ivory handle carving set belong to my brother (the infant in Dad’s arms). He was born at Fort Richardson in 1942 just before all military dependents were evacuated Stateside after the Japanese occupied Kiska & Attu. I didn’t come along until 1944 at Fort Benning, just before Dad was shipped out to France for the Bulge.
  6. This is as close to an Alaskan bear as I want to get….. (Walrus tusk items were collected by my Dad when he was stationed at Fort Richardson 1940-42)
  7. Yeah, but robot squirrels could be a distraction.
  8. Hope you were using a telephoto lens for that shot.
  9. My Brit friend, a life-long blue collar Londoner, read your post with interest. He admires her grit, but commented to me about location: Edited to add: Am not trying to be a downer, just thought a word of caution wouldn’t hurt since we know our young’uns feel invulnerable.
  10. It is certainly a difficult road for all involved, but today we are blessed to have resources to help the kids towards a more productive path. My oldest grandson (a CP kid) had physical & behavioral issues that were challenging even for the professional providers 25-30 years ago. The medical doctors were able to correct most of his physical problems prior to the time he entered middle school, but the psychologists had a tougher time with mixed results. Surprisingly, Mrs. Brat had the most success in helping him modify his behavior and instilling him with self confidence. I still miss him terribly every day.
  11. Interesting new Lipsey’s Ruger .327 FM:
  12. It’s like old home week.
  13. I worked at the Howson Branch Library on Exposition 1962-66. Haven’t been back to that neck of the woods since, so I guess it has changed somewhat..
  14. Armybrat

    Getting old sucks

    If you hadn’t moved, your username would’ve popped up on this thread….
  15. Armybrat

    Getting old sucks

    Dr. Brat prescribes this for your safety…. https://www.amazon.com/S-AIRBAG-Protection-Intelligent-Protective-Epileptic/dp/B0CCJ8D8G1/ref=asc_df_B0CCJ8D8G1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=692875362841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9925382989060199884&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028275&hvtargid=pla-2281435177578&psc=1&mcid=6e9787566da9348cb472da63b70f75ea&hvocijid=9925382989060199884-B0CCJ8D8G1-&hvexpln=73&gad_source=1
  16. /cr Current state of the infamous “Lolita Express”: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12923995/Jeffrey-Epstein-private-jet-Lolita-Express-torn-apart-scrapped.html
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