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Everything posted by Armybrat

  1. My brother used to lifeguard at Stacy pool in Travis Heights in the early 1960s and sometimes at Shipe up in far North Austin.
  2. I remember when a Ruger Mini-14 was under $300. Now - a sale: https://www.cdnnsports.com/rugerr-mini-14r-tactical-300-blackout.html?trk_msg=K43K9Q9BCTDKP67I0025D410MK&trk_contact=0OVE4VT4E6LN8EAO7JADC11GNC&trk_sid=9RCBQOGJ8NGIJC77AODPCHP938&trk_link=00F4C3LEB2SKH9MI1FNSRT1LDK&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cdnnsports.com%2frugerr-mini-14r-tactical-300-blackout.html&utm_campaign=Ruger+Deals
  3. Sounds like that aggy, “We run this state”.
  4. Just read this on a Ruger firearms message board:
  5. Buick nailed that look 74 years ago…
  6. And those aggy waterheads to this day repeat their blatant lies that Texas “destroyed” the SWC.
  7. Me neither, but my son would love for them to sell it so he would not keep getting calls to run the homeless out of the place and having to do the maintenance.
  8. My son’s in-laws own a 60 year old, 1,700 sq/ft house on a .35 acre lot on Lund Street overlooking the Ziker Park/ Barton Springs pool area. They might be happy to sell it to a developer who could scrape it off and split it into six tiny lots. It is currently valued at $1.5 million, which I think is absurd. But this new HOME initiative being adopted by the CoA might encourage them to move forward with selling it. How is the market in that area?
  9. My 53 year old son has developed a pronounced stutter in just the past year. He is aware of it, but doesn’t seem bothered. His oldest son moved out of his house about two years ago, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
  10. It appears the Nigerians have upped their game in recent years - instead of picking on us gullible olds, they are branching out to ensnare the millennials.
  11. And the same idiots are still in charge - with the addition of another doofus Texas hater, the AD from Nebraska.
  12. Those sumbitches are overtaking the Dutch, aren’t they?
  13. Happy hour this afternoon out on the deck at Roaring Fork in North Austin was pleasant with a good breeze even though it was 90.
  14. aggy is an ivy too…… poison ivy.
  15. Nice surprise. Have you ordered one of their 1911s, or has the latest release sold out yet? I’ve seen a couple of nice ones posted elsewhere, last year.
  16. I didn’t know he was a German.
  17. Not according to her….she’s lived there for decades. Doesn’t matter though, she drives a Subaru.
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