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General Specific

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by General Specific

  1. This! Purpose drives the $. Main thing I focus on after that, is setup of accessories across the fleet. Same triggers, controls, etc.. For example, I found years ago, the Geissle maritime bolt catch to be awesome. Every one of my ARs has the exact same setup.
  2. Yup, here near Galveston Bay, it wrecked shop! We of course, GTFOd! 20’ storm surge, look what happened to Boliver! Not good Bob! Do not FAFO with a Cat 2 or greater!
  3. https://fluxdefense.com/shop/365-raider Thoughts? Just need a P365 host, and you’re good.
  4. Yes! Love the hill country, and one day I will return, it’s just not now! But work, gotta pay them bills!
  5. Nice. As I currently sit here in Galveston Co. near the bay, with a brisket on, my good friends Jim Beam and Topo with Johnny Cash Willie Nelson. Sweating the track of the storm, never turn you back on the sea! I know… it’s the gulf, but still! Hope you fuckers in the hills get what you wish for, God knows y’all need it.
  6. What? And kill off one of our sacred treasures? I may be a degenerate, ok, I am a degenerate, I’m no killer!
  7. I donated some DNA to South Austins mom last night.
  8. Add on to this, that some of the players got paid! Good for them. However, I wonder how many make more than the coaches! Could be awkward?
  9. …Surly, where we know a lot about shit, body disposal and where to put the Sharpie…
  10. Well, if you were working for free a year ago, it might feel like you just hit the Lotto!
  11. So, tragic for a lot of reasons. What are some other institutions that have followed similar paths? Is there a way to compare apples to apples and find the outliers? OU, no matter how much they suck (it’s 10:50 and OU still sux), this is not the only university in this situation. There may be several (past) views on how each institution approached the similar issue. For example, Texas A&M increased attendance at the expense of capital expansion, cramming as many students into substandard structures, and online classes. I won’t mention the guaranteed contracts…(lol). OU took a different approach, “build it and they will come”! We as a state, send large amounts of our future resources to Alabama, Oklahoma, and other state schools fighting similar issues. Hell, UT, fagetaboutit…top 6%. Great problem to have, but, that has its own issues. Cost per student is a good metric, but not the end all be all. Not sure where I ended with this, but, Holy Cow , Batman…. WTF???1!
  12. Hollow echo chamber you say. Insert johntravoltaa&mhallofchampions.gif
  13. Oh, to be around that Karen, let alone be a parent with her, just wow.
  14. Sounds like that’s not all he got in there!
  15. Oh the but hurt continues, now on LinkedIn! TexAgs, we get it. Twit, sure, go ahead. But damnit, you fucking fucks, professional social media? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/good-jordan-reed-wac0c?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via My food insurance won’t cover this!
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