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General Specific

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by General Specific

  1. But what if one becomes like Andy Dufresne, and vanishes like a fart in the wind? What do you gotta say to that, fancy britches?
  2. How can you tell? Are we looking at Wonder Womans car? Yeah, still parked on the curb! /s
  3. You left out, if not all your requirements are met, the button shocks the piss out of you for a false press!
  4. I don’t know, there’s no cum on her!
  5. How about using a hole punch to make the double sided?
  6. What kind of juice are we talking about? The 80s band was ok, but not anything to lose sleep over!
  7. Someone also has a working dog. Nice hedgehog!
  8. Congratulations, now I know there are at least two of us here that married up!
  9. Another branding opportunity for; Surly Chalk, when you have to let them know!
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