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General Specific

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by General Specific

  1. I can sell you a charger, this one goes to 11!
  2. Way, way too soon damnit! But, for a 10mm socket, I am ready to get just again!
  3. Don’t forget the billboards on every major interstate!
  4. When an aggy tells you who they are, believe em! Respectfully, aggy
  5. Texan: “I carry a boot flask to ball games” Russian: “Ha, in Russia, life is game, and my plane IS my flask”!
  6. Drive a Corvette? You have to tell us if you drive a Corvette!
  7. Because we can’t stop touching ourselves!
  8. Grain alcohol, in a bathtub, in the middle of a war zone? What could go wrong?
  9. I have insurance, and crop dust, the office! I’ll see myself out.
  10. That’s is yet another way a Russian can fall out of a window I didn’t have on my bingo card!
  11. Humm… where is the aggypedia link?
  12. A mob of kangaroos, Conspiracy of lemurs, Pride of lions, POD of whales… A confederacy of aggy. Advantage aggy.
  13. Yet! However, if you give any aggy enough time…
  14. So aggy is in Depeche Mode? Fuck me, fuck all of us!
  15. Damnit, I had something for this! All your bases… Damnit, I had something for this!
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