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Henry Hill

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Everything posted by Henry Hill

  1. Look at that. A deep ball that is caught.
  2. I’m going to shit all Quinn’s mental makeup and competitive spirit..but I hope he proves me wrong so I can post all of the great things about him and get attention. That is the Derka straddle. To. A. T.
  3. You’d be (maybe not) surprised at how antiquated the tech stacks are at some of the largest Fortune 500 companies. Reasoning for lack of investment is usually that the current systems still work and there is an inability to provide enough of a compelling ROI to justify the combined risk of increased cap/opex and management of the implementation at scale.
  4. No it isn’t. They suspended their full-time program a few years ago and only offer weekend, exec and online modalities now. Go back to sleep.
  5. We’re crashing down to levels we haven’t seen since…Tuesday. Calm your tits.
  6. ESPN is the Liucci of rankings - lot of content and hype but ultimately no more relevant than pubes on a chin
  7. Hook Em T needs to shut the fuck up. There are asshole comments and piece of shit comments. That dude is a piece of shit.
  8. Good biography. Add it to the hall.
  9. Preferred nomenclature is portly or big-boned.
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