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Henry Hill

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Everything posted by Henry Hill

  1. Great pickup. Let’s see if Duncan and MJ want to lace ‘em up too. Christ.
  2. With that win, aggy moves up the SEC standings all the way to (checks notes) dead last. Ho fucking hum.
  3. We should avoid 15+ point leads. And not starting Wood. And giving Powell and Bullock healthy minutes.
  4. The patented Derka straddle. Can’t be wrong if you take both sides of the argument.
  5. Add in patriot, freedom and next year and you’ve got all of aggy’s main talking points covered.
  6. An RB room of Brooks, K Rob, Blue, Baxter and Wisner is salty. Will never replace the combo of Bijan and Rojo but a girl can dream.
  7. Great read. Exemplary man who just happens to be a great player.
  8. You're an expert at misremembering what you've said so I'm going to help you out: Sam didn't throw for 5,000 yards. He threw for 11,000. Not the greatest deep ball we've ever seen but am pretty confident there aren't any JV quarterbacks starting games in the NFL. So you never said he was bad? Just erratic?
  9. You said Sam was JV level, not worthy of being a D1 starter, would not finish his collegiate career at Texas and the reason we should stop recruiting from Westlake. But sure…that’s the same as saying he’s not bad, just erratic. Jesus Christ.
  10. Is aggy a step up from JSU at this point? Seems like a lateral move with better pay.
  11. Bump. @Lucid with one of the all-time whiffs on Surly. @sidis is still a bitch who smells his own farts.
  12. 20 years since our ineptitude and turditions resulted in 12 students dying for no reason other than to light wood on fire. Whoop.
  13. They are not paying Jimbo $85m to go away. With that coin, they’d line up 22 5-stars every year and finally finish first at Candiland.
  14. Can’t wait to see where he ranks Vincent Young. Heard he’s got potential.
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