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Henry Hill

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Everything posted by Henry Hill

  1. Love it as a final roster add. Interesting choice for Spencer with all of the shit he talked about the Mavs v. Lakers last season.
  2. I don’t think anyone can top Roseanne. That’s a mighty low bar.
  3. Couple of action shots and guest appearance by a familiar face IMG_3187.mov
  4. It was up there with Fergie. Holy shit it was bad in person.
  5. The (not so) rare double fuck you to Austin and Houston.
  6. Mostly full of trout and snapper
  7. Anyone else call tornadoes Ralph Naders?
  8. Hope we got him an edible arrangement and a cookie cake.
  9. Two days ago, aggy wanted to suck Schloss’ nagle. Now, they want to fuck him in the ass.
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