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Everything posted by Rhinotx

  1. It’s not a Tashard Choice between USC and Texas
  2. I think Herman embraced being an asshole from watching Urban. I think a lot of his idiotic actions like not acknowledging players in the hallway for treating players on his bad side like shit come directly from Urban.
  3. I don't care enough to watch but they had a great run this year as a team. It looks like he can run a program.
  4. The more I think about it not really. If you are ok with potentially not playing for a National Championship then you are a CB learning from one of the greats. I'm sure that when Primetime moves to a P5 program he will follow.
  5. Maybe GP just wants a 6 figure salary to be a non-coaching analyst with no recruiting while he plays music and waits for opening next year.
  6. I would bet not. You forget the cost of lawyers, agents, managers and Uncle Sam. I think Mahomes is adding coolness.
  7. I get it he uses reverse psychology and gets to keep negative recruiting us.
  8. I love haggis especially after a lot of scotch.
  9. Rhinotx


    The line is ass. Every qb will suck behind that line. Watching an Alabama game is ridiculous. The qb has forever back there. We could probably swap our line with the top half team in the c-USA and see an improvement.
  10. So how was the goat? I'm guessing not your cup of tea or else you'd be on an aggy board.
  11. Talking of TTU firing Leach makes me wish they got demoted to a G5 school. It’s fucking Lubbock they need a Leach to make anyone care about that hell hole. Leach might not be the greatest coach but he’s about as good as they are going to get. I’m guessing maybe Baby briles is up next after they shit can Wells at the end of the year.
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