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  1. That was so, like, last year's strategy. We going all catchers this year baby.
  2. Aight the AA on North Loop, err, Northland got me good [emoji23]
  3. Y'all are right. None of you should draft him.
  4. In a h2h league with daily lineups, I think an Ohtani that throws 100+ innings is so much better than everybody else that it almost necessitates an auction draft.
  5. Let's do this. Maybe I'll double down this year and not draft any starters at all. Or completely pivot.
  6. Finished it last week, it was more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Apparently there's a couple more Has Fallen tv shows in the works. And also another Butler movie.
  7. I'm just trying not to jinx things by saying we are back.
  8. Idiots at Michelin accidentally gave a "Recommended" to The Charles in Dallas when they meant to honor Mister Charles. Real messed up jerking around of those respective staffs over a 48 hour period. The restaurants are owned by the same group (Duro) that also got a Michelin Key for their hotel and an "Recommended" for El Carlos Elegante. Certainly a successful period for the company, but y'all might want to get a little more creative with the names fellas. https://www.wfaa.com/article/life/food/michelin-listed-wrong-dallas-restaurant-in-inaugural-texas-guide/287-9c9c0fe9-45fd-4616-8135-5cbf4d3615e5
  9. I wanna see Keyshawn fight the Cuban boxer (Cruz) he lost to every time as an amateur, including the 2021 Olympic gold medal bout. Revenge would be sweet as hell.
  10. I have not, but will definitely check it out next time I'm up there, thanks for the rec. Have heard really good things, it's on my list of places to try.
  11. Indian fine dining is something I have often struggled to understand/enjoy, because flavor-wise it's rare that anything ever lives up to what my mom made at home on a daily basis (and still makes during the holidays). My wife, who never even had Indian food until she met me, agrees. The one exception is Musaafer. I love that place, and am stoked as hell it got a star.
  12. NRG around 3pm. Almost zero wait. USA.
  13. Confirmation: https://dallas.culturemap.com/news/restaurants-bars/michelin-guide-texas-invites/ Good luck to everyone. Hope my wallet can handle the inevitable increase in prices.
  14. Invitations went out yesterday. Word is that everyone that received an invite will be recognized in some way, but they won't know if it's star(s), bib, green star, or recommendation until the event happens.
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