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Everything posted by APMP

  1. Read that Biden took lead in Tarrant. While Texas was ultimately disappointing for Dems this time around, winning Tarrant is probably still a good sign for the future.
  2. On TV shows, former presidents get national security briefings. If that is true, then Trump will and they may need to censor what they tell him so he doesn't just tweet it out.
  3. So how are provisionals and military expected to break? I assume those those are going to be added in GA still, after the other ballots are counted.
  4. I want to hear from the Decision Desk guy who called AZ yesterday about why all the of the happenings since then don't impact his prediction. Mainly because it might calm some Biden supporters.
  5. Biden filing a lawsuit in NV or AZ would be a bad look, but I wonder if there is another way to force the Trump campaign them to defend, on the record, the continued counting in NV and AZ while asking it be stopped elsewhere. Because I would have a field day with that if I was a Biden lawyer in GA/PA/WI/MI, and I'm sure the other lawyers here would agree.
  6. Gideon just conceded to Collins in Maine with only like 75% reporting. What a massive missed opportunity for Democrats. https://www.centralmaine.com/2020/11/04/collins-maintaining-lead-over-gideon-in-senate-race/
  7. Maine and Nebraska breakdowns look off. But yes, if Biden pulls it off the black vote in Milwaukee, Detroit, maybe Atlanta, maybe Philly will be a huge reason why.
  8. Ralston says Nevada will count as long as needed on Wednesday but not report until Thursday morning.
  9. Where are the Twitter pundits using their models to forecast the remaining outstanding votes to tell me whether there is enough outstanding vote for Biden in PA, WI, and MI? (I realize the NYT needle is basically doing this for GA, and I have pretty much written off NC)
  10. Are there enough votes left in PA for Biden? Down 700k, means he needs to go 75% ish or more on the ballots remaining (including the 2m mentioned upthread), right?
  11. Biden up 14k in Washoe. Ralston calls that big for Biden. Hillary won Washoe by just 2700.
  12. Biden winning GA would be a huge dent in Trump's chances, but they won't be done counting for a few days if so those earlier tweets are correct.
  13. Early voting language is "structure." https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/EL/htm/EL.85.htm "Building" is in the election day language, different statute.
  14. Wonder if Harris County can put up some garages overnight around tomorrow's drivethrough voting spots. Garage gotta be a building right?
  15. Agree with all of this. However, I think he left the door open for a challenge on election day drivethrough votes by the correct plaintiff. Wonder how Harris County responds, i.e., whether they will have drivethrough voting tomorrow.
  16. Hanen dismissed for lack of standing. Said if 5C overturned, he would not toss cast ballots but would enjoin tomorrow's drivethrough voting. Intervention granted for people who already voted (just in case).
  17. Over/under on Surly peeps on the Hanen Zoom call is 5. I take the over, I am one of them.
  18. Hanen might allow the 127k ballots but try and turn off drivethrough voting for tomorrow.
  19. That is the state court case but the federal one remains pending right?
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