I don't have an issue with any of the asks. Moore, Painter, etc. should have been renamed a long time ago. Painter needs to be renamed Sweatt, unless the Law School uses that name for a building. Sweatt v. Painter paved the way for me. We sang The Eyes of Texas at my wedding. And I have sung it after countless games, whether in the stands or watching on TV. My toddlers know it. But I can't in good conscience give Washington football, Cleveland baseball, Atlanta baseball, etc fans crap about their team names/mascots/traditions and then turn a blind eye to the history of the Eyes of Texas and the fact that it is offensive to some members of the Longhorn family every time they hear it. They are Longhorns just as much as I am. And I value their presence and contribution to the Longhorn family more than a song with a racist history, despite the joy the song has brought to me over the years. The song has to go.