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Everything posted by APMP

  1. Whitley trade value rising, making it less likely Luhnow will trade him.
  2. So I've seen somebody here say Cole might take 5/125, and someone else argue that a 3 year deal would need to be at $120m.
  3. Good Lord.
  4. https://twitter.com/theastrojoker/status/1156301181402210304?s=20
  5. Unless the Brinks truck from Phoenix to Houston is massive, getting Greinke would make the 99% likelihood that Cole is gone this off-season into a cool 100%.
  6. Thor pitches tonight. Or well, is scheduled to.
  7. Thor takes the mound tonight at 7 central. Let's see if that impacts anything.
  8. Aww. They literally love each other.
  9. If it's that blatant then they gotta just be messing with them? I encourage all chicanery and tomfoolery against these guys, of course...
  10. I'm slightly annoyed if both Thor and deGrom are available. That means if we get one another AL team can counter with a comparable acquisition.
  11. I'm willing to trade Ted if we get dominant Thor. Honestly if we get dominant Thor we should push all the chips in this off-season, give Cole his deal and try to win two more rings with JV/Cole/Thor being this decade's Maddux/Glavine/Smoltz.
  12. This one is along those same lines
  13. I'm totally in. It would be cool to have a tip of the cap (har har) to one of the most iconic sports uniforms ever: A Houston Strong patch or lettering could be cool on the side/back but I don't know if that's possible with trucker hats...
  14. This guy may yet be prophetic...
  15. Would they announce it three days early? Maybe getting a head start on a trade?
  16. But is there a DFA need right now?
  17. Any Austin area fence company recommendations? I want to at least get gates for either side of the house (one 3' and the other 4'), but might replace the entirety of the original chain link (Crestview standard issue) if I get a good deal.
  18. Tyler White we hardly knew ye. That first week in 2016 was incredible. LMJ was so amazed he said you were the best hitter ever.
  19. Even the Astros TV broadcast guys are just meh-ing their way through this game
  20. The law is unfortunately ambiguous. I can see an interpretation where it's five, but can also see one where it's six. 19.8 Overthrow or wilful act of fielder If the boundary results from an overthrow or from the wilful act of a fielder, the runs scored shall be any runs for penalties awarded to either side and the allowance for the boundary and the runs completed by the batsmen, together with the run in progress if they had already crossed at the instant of the throw or act. So we have a boundary that has happened as a result of Guptil's overthrow/act. Under the law, it would clearly be 4 runs allowance for the boundary. There would also clearly be the first run that was completed before Guptill's throw. So that is five. The ambiguous part is the second run attempted by the batsmen. The preamble of the law above says "if the boundary results," so a lot of lawyers (including me) would assume that the law is drafted for application at the time the ball went over the rope. Under that logic, the second run attempted by the batsmen is a completed run, not an in-progress run. This is because at the time the ball crossed the boundary, Stokes was safely in his crease and the batsmen stopped running). There's no in-progress run in this interpretation. However, if the second run attempted by the batsmen should be interpreted as an in-progress run, then then the batsmen clearly had not crossed at the time of the throw. In this scenario NZ got hosed.
  21. Nice to see normal service has been resumed Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  22. Worth it IMO if they win a title before then. Easier said than done, I know, but I like the dice roll. Morey didn't give up when the Warriors made their super team. And he's not when the LA super teams are forming. I think in his mind, the Rockets were prevented from competing in the NBA finals by injuries in 2009 and again in 2018. The idea of not trying to win/tanking is probably nonsensical too him. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  23. Just realized I now have to root for Russ against PatBev.. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  24. Morey said when KD went to Golden State that well, we'll just have to up our risk taking. He now sees two super teams constructed in LA. So yeah, he is going to respond by taking a massive risk. I'm okay with that, because we were not going to win the title with the current roster. BeardRuss, when they are on and if they gel, can probably beat any team in the league. Yes, that is the biggest IF in Houston sports history. Renew your League Pass. Get your popcorn. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  25. Rockets fan in Austin. I guess we getting/renewing League Pass. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
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