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Everything posted by APMP

  1. Man that's the thing. I'm by no means a fan of his. He's a douche, basically stole a child in a custody battle, etc. But the guy's work ethic and talent are unquestionable. And when he stood over the ball with his shorts hiked up in uberdouche fashion, everybody where I was (Mister Tramps) just knew he was gonna score or come really close. Because, Goddammit, that's Cristiano Ronaldo and that's what he does. I'll always prefer Messi, but Ronaldo is just as good.
  2. France has yet to impress...They were blah against the USA kids too. One hour to Messi time!
  3. APMP

    Austin FC

    Hmm I live in D7. Is there a suggested message. Should I just call and say hi I wanted you know that this D7 resident is for the stadium at McKalla?
  4. So I believe that the opening match is NOT in the US, so we won't be A1 (team #1 in Group A, to use the FIFA draw terminology). That means a July 4th tournament opener is out of the question. Plus that's usually late to start the World Cup. BUT, if the tournament started in, say, mid/late June, you could definitely have the USA be scheduled to play a group stage game on July 4th. Maybe their second game where they can't already be mathematically eliminated. Time it for right after the quintessential American event, which happens on July 4th in Coney Island.
  5. I think the firing was deserved. I dunno, maybe I'm old school...name on the front of the shirt (or coach's jacket), not name on the back. What I can't figure out is why he and Real didn't just wait until after the tournament to finalize/announce.
  6. Yes the vote is now public. 65 federations voted Morocco, 134 went for us, and only Lebanon said neither (according to ESPN).
  7. APMP


    Wendy is the most nefarious of the main characters. She can pretty much get Axe and Chuck to do anything, and she'll continuously be able to get away with a ton of shit as a result. I bet she ruins the AxeChuck bromance buddy show next season because of some bullshit reason...
  8. Umm, no. Unless you mean fundamentals like don't drop the bat. Having played both sports competitively in school, I can tell you that many fundamentals of a good baseball hitting and good cricket batting are OPPOSITES of each other. Here's a quick sampling. 1. In baseball you're trying to hit pitches that are in the strike zone and are conditioned to leave pitches outside the strike zone. In cricket, you often don't try to hit hard the balls that are going to clatter into the wicket if you miss, but you will swing freely at balls that will miss the wicket. In short, baseball players swing at strikes and leave balls, whereas cricket players swing at balls but will be far more cautious swinging at strikes. In baseball terms, imagine that you're out if you swing and miss at a ball in the strike zone but you can defensively knock it aside (e.g., bunt it) without penalty, and you only get to bat once, so if you're out that's it for the whole game. 2. Baseball hitters try to put the ball in play, into a quarter circle (it's a 90 degree span between the baselines). Anything else is useless, and a foul ball. Conversely, because you can hit the ball in any direction to score in cricket, most runs are scored at angles that are foul balls in baseball. So, while cricket players are certainly capable of hitting the ball into places a baseball player would, they are often trying to hit "foul balls." 3. A good baseball swing usually has little foot movement and a clean swing plane through the zone with a mostly horizontal bat. Because you don't move the feet much at all, the angle of the bat and extension in the arms are varied to get to pitches at the corners. A good cricket batsman will act very differently. He'll move his feet (yes, even his back foot) quite a bit before and during the swing. The swing arc also varies a lot more. Arc, not plane, since the bat is largely vertical in cricket when contact is made. The batsman will also open or close his wrists to aim the ball off the bat, as well as aim the ball by intentionally swinging early or late. This last part is the only overlap I found between baseball and cricket. Having played cricket, it was a lot easier for me to hit a baseball to the opposite field.
  9. I didn't expect Stan to arguably commit treason so that the 14 year old kid of murdering Russian spies had somebody to look after him. Also interesting - leaving Renee unresolved.
  10. Forced to live knowing you'll probably never see your kids again. I can't even imagine.
  11. Not a movie, but rather a mini series. Netflix India's Sacred Games drops in July. If it is even half as good as the book by Vikram Chandra, it's going to be flat our amazing. Cops and robbers/gangster story set in the Mumbai tourists don't get to see. The book is one of the best reads I've had the past decade.
  12. Monstrous innings
  13. If Hanley isn't claimed, would we be interested in him as a cheap DH?
  14. FML.
  15. We do have a Nadia. Well technically, a longer form. Naad-yezh-daa, probably spelled Nadezhda.
  16. Somebody's going to emergency. Somebody's going to jail.
  17. Yeah maybe I just miss the days of playing two strikers together up top and letting them go to work...
  18. For some reason I just don't trust Sterling in international competition. Consequently, I am of the opinion that English hopes rest on playing Kane, Vardy, and Alli together. A lot. I'm betting they won't until it's too late.
  19. The show creators said they'd never use it because it's top on the nose, but Sting's Russians would obviously make an interesting ending. I can imagine it underscoring all kinds of crazy endings for the Jennings family members...
  20. I just want to know what song they'll end the finale with.
  21. We won a trophy this year. I'll take it. Would like to see Conte stay but Roman is too controlling. Which sucks. Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
  22. APMP

    2018 MLB Thread

    Lmao that is amazing Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
  23. Lol, JV the all time greatest #5 starter... Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
  24. Reverse jinxing, I see. Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
  25. Just got around to finishing the fourth and final season of this show. Man it went from okay to one of my favorites of all time. The last four episodes were as good a series conclusion as I've seen. And the Finale, with those scenes and that song - perfect. It's on Netflix, go watch it. Team Donna always. Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
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