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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. after we see the texts of course I can't imagine this story gets much traction, they're teaching out of old pizza huts.
  2. fucking DEI
  3. Damn allergies kicking my ass. RIP Pappa B
  4. https://twitter.com/SportsCenter/status/1883727835992301725
  5. aint no way in hell Vegas is gonna let them put chips in the damn balls
  6. mulletpelini

    RIP John Sykes

    Forgot about this live concert audio, straight out of the soundboard. Phenomenal. Less than 60K views, what a joke
  7. mulletpelini

    RIP John Sykes

    This one hits really hard. Sykes is on my personal Mt. Rushmore of guitarists with Zakk, Mick Sweda, and Buckethead. Anytime you can listen to music and know exactly who's playing because of their tone, in my mind, that's iconic. I got to see Blue Murder live in '93 which was not the same lineup as the debut, but honestly it didn't matter. Yes, Appice and Franklin are MONSTER players but that band was all about Sykes. You look up underrated and underappreciated in the music dictionary you're gonna find Sykes. He's the best damn musician you've never heard of, and a quick look at the amount of players paying him tribute tells you the people that know, REALLY know. 1987 Whitesnake album doesn't hit without him, he co-wrote everything except the WS reboots. I think Coverdale is a fantastic singer, but fuck that guy for firing him. I honestly don't think Sykes ever recovered from that. Great tribute from ET, great stories. Don't sleep on the second album its wall to wall as well RIP King of the unknown This from the guy that didn't think his voice was that great.
  8. na they flew below the hard deck
  9. Is no one else gonna comment on the fact that top fucker had 6 toes?
  10. Not the first time that kaunt fucked up a party.
  11. Dolphins fan my whole life, those 70s and 80s Raiders cost the Fins some SB appearances. Have always despised them, but that comes with respect as well. Dan Marino imo is the best pure passer that I've watched in my lifetime but if I wasn't a Finfan it would probably be Kenny Stabler. That guy was unreal. I think I saw somewhere that with adjusted stats he was the highest rated QB in NFL history or something like that. Davis rode Rozell hard and dry til his death and Rozell's ghost has cursed them ever since.
  12. Probably thinking about his dad, he passed in the spring of 2021. That family has gotten no relief. RIP Jack
  13. Yeah, exactly, maybe she just likes loads on her tits
  14. You never realized you've never heard about Colorado baseball, ever? Colorado baseball is what I use to differentiate a nut sack Deion cling on from a real Colorado fan.
  15. Did Dvorachek just quote Mav
  16. mulletpelini


    damn, I thought this was about something else. I disappoint.
  17. You look at their 4 losses, other than KState, they were totally dominated and dismantled up front by older, bigger Defensive lines. KState game was closer but still same type of DL exposed them. Seaton seems like a really smart kid, and if he can keep his shit together he'll probably be a first round pick in a few years. He held his own better than I thought he would but he's still just an 18 year old kid playing against 23,24, 25 year old men. Same feeling, great marketer, not a great corch. But he was good at getting some corches who could handle that. Too bad he's losing more this year as well. Livingston seems like a great hire and that D got better as the season went on. Theres plenty of talent on that team, I can't think of one team they played that was more talented. ASU might be the only team more talented than them in the the B12.
  18. What is this? A board full of rookies? You never pack first, at least to her knowledge. Of course I pack first, but that doesn't mean she has to know it. It's like a fucking competition that she thinks she won. My bag is stowed away in the closet, ready to grab once she's done. "Gee honey, you beat me again, I just can't ever get done as early as you do." If you sit around all day because you got your shit done and she knows it there's zero reason for her to hurry, because fuck you for being an asshole getting done first. Always let your lady finish first.
  19. Artie Lange refused to go 🤔
  20. White was gonna be gone almost 100%, although many assumed as a head coach. Butler was hired in the summer and my guess is that he was promised a shot at DC, which he now has. Raiola will definitely leave once his parents move, his sister quits her job at NU and his uncle takes another coaching job somewhere else other than Nebraska, you can take that to the bank. Oh and his younger brother commits to another school too, forgot about that.
  21. Looks like it might be against OU Valmy, who they hell you gonna pick🤣
  22. Colorado better get those corn fed boys off their schedule. Nebraska, KState and KU. Probably get Iowa in a bowl game.
  23. pretty sure he's an Obi-Wan type, strike him down and he's going to become more powerful.
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