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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Got warned a month and a half ago that past certain June xx date that all my items would no longer be visible (for not signing into their new bullshit banking terms). Still selling, they must still be visible. FU Ebay.
  2. Good to see Fitlump being out among the people
  3. Frost might want to see if that tire has an eligibility left.
  4. Did I just watch some white supremacist on asian crime?
  5. Hope she gets better, I'm waving at you.
  6. 11 seems a bit late, how bout an 8 am kickoff.
  7. OP sounds like she enjoy sucks dicks
  8. I've always said, you can't argue with a hug She had a shot to collect on your ass, she took it.
  9. Seems like a pretty good place to polish up on his skills
  10. See you're looking at it wrong. I read that shit and feel a whole lot better.
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