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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Guess that means he's perfect for the job then.
  2. Gotcha boss, that was weak ass mullet humor. Your posts are outstanding btw.
  3. With the amount of red you've taken you've been someones bitch, however.
  4. Sounds like top notch womens logic
  5. Seems like you missed a spot on that oil filter.
  6. Didn't long finger get a win for KU in Lawrence? Seems like he'd be a candidate.
  7. My T Sharp made me chuckle a few times. otherwise as expected.
  8. somebody got lazy and stole the old firebird/camaro designs before the 4th gen came out
  9. Once a shithole, always a shithole.
  10. best one yet. the guys that build these are genius.
  11. were you just about turning 60k there?
  12. There is no song in the history of music that has the impact to brain like this one. and you're a pussy if you don't use it.
  13. 1 less distraction for a dynasty at Bama apparently. Dynasty for sure.
  14. His mom is still alive too maybe you could send a couple cocksuckers over to her place to beat her up. cue Lawrence Phillips retort.
  15. I've never, ever, ever, EVER made it a goal to not get fired. Now making a goal to get fired, that's a different story.
  16. Son is still alive Okie scum.
  17. I too enjoyed beating the fuck out of Notre Dame yearly.....as coach of the ULM Indians.
  18. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/30987054/andy-hoffman-father-nebraska-football-fan-jack-hoffman-dies-brain-cancer-42
  19. how are bath and the cats doing
  20. I know you had mentioned it a couple times, but I never took it seriously because I've never taken you to be that womanly ficklized.
  21. So, I didn't bow, and ultimately closed shop. I talked to them, told them it was bullshit. Said I should be given an option whether to stay as is or go. They didn't care. I don't like one entity controlling everything, it's too easy to get painted into a corner by someone with that much power imo. Also, we lost power on the 18th, so I couldn't print labels for shipments that day, because, no power. I could do it by hand though, right? Buzzzz, couldn't access computer, because no power. Dropped off the shipment on the 19th a day late, where it apparently got left in a bin, untouched for the next 3 days without reporting any movement because the airlines are down and everything is backed up. So this fuckface from California starts freaking out about why his shipment isn't on the way blah blah blah. I asked him if he watched the news about what was going on in the midwest, he didn't like that. Finally on the 23rd it reports that the PO has it, only that it still remained here apparently for 3 more days until it finally left. Update, as of today, it's just out for delivery. He has the tracking number, has the tracking info. but somehow I'm the bad guy. Yes, I told the PO to hold your package....restoring power and heat to my home was much less important to me. He's already negged me, only neg I've had in probably over 5 years. I'll dispute it just because fuck this guy, I want him to see it gone from my rep just to piss him off more at this point. Ironically I had 5 shipments either right before or right after his and they all snail paced at exactly the same slow rate, so I know his wasn't an abnomality. Not one of them said a word. So I need a new place to sell.
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