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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Who's smarter, the kid who figured how to climb out of the bed or the parent who keeps putting him back in? It would be great to doc that kid as he grows up, guarantee that little fucker has a very high IQ
  2. I'm very sure, though, that there is absolutely nothing else that she muddles her way into......very sure.
  3. So just KState, Iowa State and one other team are better than OU?
  4. Seconded, always hand it to an employee with a receipt. I've had to collect on a few insurance claims. Zero issue when you have the receipt. All kinds of problems if you don't. I sold the original 6 SW on laserdisc for $100 recently. Didn't really want to, but it's not liking I'm watching it much myself. I'm in a real purge mode, but some stuff still is a bit of a struggle to let go, just because.
  5. The best part of Artie was how fucking hard Fred laughed because he was the one, out of all of them that truly recognized how fucking good Artie was in that seat.
  6. You coo be right but you're also using now logic vs. then logic. Polls did not fluctuate then as they do now. They were old stodgy dinosaur voters and it just didn't happen. Miami jumping to #1 was more of a result of them beating the presumed best team as opposed to "we really think this is the best of the one loss teams" They just won the last game even though losing the first.
  7. It used to be a great show, now it isn't, and I wish it was. What's so fucking hard to figure out about that? Kinda like complaining about Texas football huh? Why are you here?
  8. Shoulda coulda woulda, Nebraska wouldn't have lost if they canceled the game.
  9. Oh there wasn't a doubt, most were just hoping there was.
  10. Well, all those names are from the golden eras of the show. He's a tool now, but real fans know the names of the best times. Mark the Bagger is the one your thinking of....not terrible, might be too long though? Tan Mom would be a great one for a female gopher.
  11. He's averaging 5 CRT TV sales per month. Who the fuck is buying those and why
  12. I clicked on the first one, nice pussy.
  13. +1 I was wrong, but that's really not a surprise. It is an interesting name though, considering it wasn't a true "Hail Mary" pass though, guess no one pointed that out to him.
  14. I stayed in a dorm in Ponce when I was about 10 for a basketball tourney in PR. There were holes in the window screens just like this that allowed all the wildlife outside into our rooms so this hits close to home. man, that ain't cool, that guy is challenged
  15. Na, so many other good historical Stern names Yucko the Clown, Beet or Beetlejuice, ETA or Eric the Acktor, Bigfoot Jr., Jackie Jokeman, Grillo, Gareeeeee, Ethel, High Pitch, BenGEEE, Ralphie Cakes, Ronnie Mundt, J.D. Personally I'd pick Yucko as my next, wish I could change DD to that.
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