yeah, they grinded a lot to get to M2, probably got burnt out a bit. My participation will continue to decrease throughout the month as Mullet Jr. gets closer to birth. We're at about 40 days and counting right now and I'm still getting the house set up for it so a lot of time dedicated to that. Next month will be even less I'm assuming, so if you need to dump me into twoey feel free. I can do some recruiting damage for you there at least. Who else just had a kid was it EMJ?
There is a ton of zeroes right now, but it's not just us, I see a ton of it when I'm recruiting other rosters too. In fact, I'd say ours number less than most considering size and level.
Ha, had some total randomness the other day while recruiting I think the team was called dragonballz or something like that and going thru the roster I found my cousin on it. Millions of people that play this game and I just happened to play a guy on his team, so random. He had 800 pts last season so I invited him, but ultimately, we may not be his crowd, he's a pretty straight arrow. I don't think he would quite get Surly.