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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Yeah I've been using the Malibu forever, high level 6 or 7 I think. Couldn't remember if the sand lizard was worth investing in or not. Don't have the Spitfire yet, is that the bad mammajamma?
  2. No no, the BACKGROUND vocals kicking in sent me over. Halloween is muy faaaaaavrit
  3. Gerhardt just left, didn't go to another clan, guess clan life wasn't for him. Odd.
  4. We've all had a shitty year. Hopefully it ends in about 2 months, one way or another. Hang in there Shooter.
  5. I have never seen lightning like that, it looks like expansion foam before it starts expanding.
  6. All I know is that Frost and Herman must have gone to the same Pussy Coaches Camp this offseason to not go for 2/go for it on 4th down/kicking FG's when you need 7 points seminars. IT'S A FREE FUCKING YEAR YOU ASSHOLES
  7. I've never wished for it.....no haven't done that.
  8. it's his fault he's not gay one of the other 10 phone calls she made after.
  9. Boschnikel I recognize that name that might have been me. He has good stats. I've only been recruiting 500+ per last season stats. Most of them are way over that. One thing that's weird I have noticed is that a lot of players are reading zero last season points. I'm sure some are legit but I'd guess it's close to 85% that I'm seeing and I just can't imagine that's not a glitch in the system which sucks if it is, because I'm not recruiting them unless I know what they shot last season. It's also so early in the season, much like you see in Booey, that some haven't even played yet that are normal daily players, which also is hard to read because so many have no stats yet. Are you seeing the same on that regarding last season stats when you're recruiting Boff? Sand Lizard worth investing in?
  10. here's the CGI version in reverse for comparison
  11. I was using a tablet with a cover when I started using RM. I just made a little chart with all the r/w per club, placed it inside the tablet cover and referenced the numbers while playing. IMO you'll end up using it the most with the short and long irons, so after a bit you'll just start to remember what they are. I use the hornet (1.25 max) and the backbone (1.50 max) mostly so I just remember what they are. For the mins I usually add 1, obviously the mids become .5 All just rough estimates, I've never used the app and probably never will. It's second nature now, I'm already calculating while I figure out where in the mid/max/min range the shot will be. I used tour one (who cares if you time out, you're losing 50 coins) to get more precise/timely with it until I felt ok about using it in real time. If I was going to make a recommendation, I'd start with one club (long or short iron), get really comfortable with that and then apply that knowledge to the other clubs using each clubs r/w value.
  12. 70 soph rfreshman and freshman on the roster.....help is on the way.
  13. Defense was the biggest ? for this year, they've played well. OSU hasn't run shit. They'll make teams one dimensional with this type of play if it sticks. Need more running yards/time on O to balance out the time of possession. Do that and they'll be in most games this year.
  14. I listened to Wisky game last night. Not that concerned, can't run the fucking ball, Mertz is not Fields. Of course Nebraska will be playing mostly backup DB's in the first half, so you may have a point.
  15. They're certainly not taking much time confirming them....
  16. Great catch, I'm sure it will not be confirmed per these refs
  17. Damn they actually got it right. Good job refs
  18. That kid shouldn't be playing, no question he got concussed earlier and now again.
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