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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Can't beat an O you can't stop, kicking FG's. Play to win coach.
  2. #25 for N played at the same high school with Kenyatta Watson, dad was the coach I think?
  3. I gotta ask, how DO you get -66? I mean someone, somewhere must have liked at least one post you made right? That seems literally impossible to do. Good job, good effort.
  4. Right before that fumble, I was thinking to myself, "Martinez has had good ball security so far today" Doomed.
  5. I'd rather have Fields at Miami than Tua, dude is a weapon.
  6. Hell, that kid playing QB for Rutgers was Nebraskas backup the last two years, he's playing well.
  7. Bad calls happen when you're on the road, have to overcome. If you want to be elite you gotta beat elite.
  8. Cannot afford to lose Domann, that would be huge loss.
  9. hell that's a good hit, fuck this if it doesn't get overturned.
  10. If I'm Day, I'd go for it on every 4th down, you're gonna get half of them. This N defense is suspect at best, and he knows it. Fields can fall forward for 3 yards by himself.
  11. Jesus Ohio State must be fucking terrible.
  12. This was my theory too. My wife is terrible and legally blind. She writes the check every month. 3 vehicles so far, no damage.
  13. Lets turn it into a positive. The struggle is ? "walking" "seeing my feet" ....
  14. Bob Griese, Larry Csonka, Jim Kiick, Mercury Morris, Marv Fleming, Paul Warfield
  15. and these..............tree marks...........too accurate for sane people only crazy eyed bitches are so precise.
  16. So the only difference now is you go into the booth and pull a lever...... holy shit its exactly the same.
  17. Learn the ring method on 1 club, probably the short or long iron as you will probably be using one of those in most circumstances to hone in on the hole. Then you can apply that knowledge to your other clubs as you get better at it. Oh yeah, if you lose 3 games in a row, stop playing for a while and come back later with a reset. Don't blow 650k down to 48 coins like some people have.
  18. JMO, I think 500 is too high FOR NOW. I'd let the kids celebrate, they did good and they'll keep improving. Andrew is at 353, so he's averaging 10 a day. I see him playing plenty, and he's right at 50% so you're right he's probably losing every other playoff if not every two and then a win. So I'd say make it 350 for the next month. Allow players like Andrew to keep grinding up. If they're playing to get better they'll be over 500 the next season w/o any pressure whatsoever from you asking for it. Some of those below him were added late and they'll pass him easily in a full season. Anyone with less than 100 who's been here full or close to full season though, cut em. It's gonna be WAY easier to recruit new blood to M2 than it was M1. I rarely see M2 teams when I'm recruiting. Almost all are M1. Everyone below 300 XD keeper LHL keeper Crazyhorse keeper Oz 176 for a month is pretty weak Gerhardt should be ok Bruno 162 added 1st week kind meh Richard should be ok Brock is good Greg is good Mario S. cut Arbo cut Ratshit cut Lol goat cut stranger cut speedtrucker 49? cmon man barry, kenny, james cut So maybe 8 there should be cut, they're probably costing you a minimum of 2.5k, which would put us in 5th fucking place right now. But their points, while low did help us get 12th to date, so ty for your service don't let the door hit you on the way out. As always, it's your team Boff, do as you wish. I'll have one acct. to add shortly that will be good for 500. Oh yeah, I still think asking for minimum 1 pin chest per day is a good way to get people to get around 25 a day, which should easily get them over 500. It's a smaller bite that producer larger end result than saying "500" or you're gone.
  19. What did he say? Something about her huge cans?
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