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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Not bad for missing half her left arm. Kelly Lynch making a picnic table cover look good.
  2. Next time hire a shitty former Nebraska coordinator to blame all this on. Gonna need a bigger sign.
  3. Need about 5 more grinders and we're good I think. I'll get you those. Probably have 3-5 non earners. Do your work Boff!
  4. I prefer a tighter lock, just one please.
  5. high road is for pussies, take the loss
  6. I bet it will be slightly better than Red Dawn 2. Can't wait for Better Off Dead 2, Badger comes Home!
  7. I dated a girl once whose friend had a bad day and got stressed while sitting behind an old grandma at a stoplight and decided to try and push grandmas car into the middle of the intersection with hers. What level would that be? Oh and just to prove once and for all that all women are fucking crazy, when the girl I dated told me, her exact words were "we don''t talk about it though, it's not nice to talk about others that way." Really?
  8. when it has come up, I ask if I got off and that usually ends the conversation.
  9. weak ass excuse, gonna have to cut you. seriously, get better dude.
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