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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. In this season of all seasons, nothing is guaranteed. There is no guarantee that next week every game will be cancelled. I can't for the life of think for one second why ANY coach at ANY level wouldn't play every game like it is the last, because it actually might be. You play to win the game. Going for 2 should be the answer every fucking game of the entire fucking season. IT'S A FREE FUCKING SEASON HOLY FUCK. IT DOESN'T COUNT
  2. too little prep time due to covid, defenses suck across the board.
  3. total setup there by Lane, I wondered why they were taking so long.
  4. Did the ref just say "Fresh charged timeout"
  5. He got left on the tarmac, how much worse could it get?
  6. No. 1 pick of the upcoming draft gets hit, it must be dirty right? Nope shoulder straight into his nuts, yet they still look for a penalty.
  7. Play to win the game. Lose trying to win, not trying to win by staying tied. He gonna lose his job or something if he goes for it?
  8. He doesn't pay his storage bill?
  9. Good thing Fox switched to TCU Kstate, ratings for this must be terrible. /dumb fucks
  10. Don't worry, Nebraska might win 2 games, we can make a bowl together.
  11. You get a turnover and you get a turnover and you get a turnover
  12. Texas scored 10 since I started watching. Just sayin.
  13. Not the first time, WSU has a pretty decent BB history.
  14. Good thing they just gave a raise to Desmond. Oh wait, maybe it was just all on paper....haha fuck you Desmond! There are always two, a master and an apprentice
  15. you might be old................as I am
  16. And that's exactly why I'll watch it. Good or bad, there's always a new story to be told when someone has the balls to put it out there. It's too bad HW is run by a bunch of fucking coward pussies
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