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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. He doesn't pay his storage bill?
  2. This. Play for the tie, take the loss pussy.
  3. Good thing Fox switched to TCU Kstate, ratings for this must be terrible. /dumb fucks
  4. Don't worry, Nebraska might win 2 games, we can make a bowl together.
  5. You get a turnover and you get a turnover and you get a turnover
  6. Rattler sucks! Headcase!
  7. Texas scored 10 since I started watching. Just sayin.
  8. Not the first time, WSU has a pretty decent BB history.
  9. Good thing they just gave a raise to Desmond. Oh wait, maybe it was just all on paper....haha fuck you Desmond! There are always two, a master and an apprentice
  10. you might be old................as I am
  11. And that's exactly why I'll watch it. Good or bad, there's always a new story to be told when someone has the balls to put it out there. It's too bad HW is run by a bunch of fucking coward pussies
  12. Doesn't help when you've been putting out regurgitated shit product for several years. Put out a shit product, get shit results. Fuck em theres plenty of movies from the past 50 years I have on HDD's that I can pull up and watch at home in a theater setting just about as good as what was offered anyways, but with a better final product than what we were seeing there. Popcorn and soda is cheaper and if I watch Endgame I don't have to watch pee dribble out of my dick from an enlarged prostate because I couldn't pause the movie at the theater to go take a piss after the first 2 hours.
  13. Well this would certainly explain why 5 players (3 starters!) transferred. If true (hard to believe there isn't some truth here, if not completely) it could also explain why the Prez just stepped down less than a month ago with virtually no reason to date. Shit. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he and his wife are big time alcoholics....just a hunch.
  14. Layoffs? You kidding me?
  15. challenger on the right reminds me of Nancy Travis. Would.
  16. That's pretty sweet Anastasis. I feel kinda bad now for cutting my friends '68 camaro dash to fit a CD player back in the 80's now.
  17. Nailed several beaver in my car back in high school.
  18. is there a dick shadow in the back?
  19. Lincoln Riley liked it better when games ended in ties
  20. Marcy Turk killed the radio star. The last line about Howard on vacation is really the deepest cut of all, because it was a big deal at that time that they were supposed to be working 5 days just like before as Howard promised and didn't deliver. Sal was on his shit constantly about it because Sal still had to work Friday even if 7 wasn't there.
  21. Not one rep for this huh. You stupid humorless sons a bitches. I got you fam.
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