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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. bwahaha, get the fo outta here
  2. you watch this weak ass shit is gonna be an ejection
  3. two weeks in a row?
  4. that was helmet to helmet, not that I give a fuck about rattled
  5. phantom holding call on ou
  6. Haven't been playing as much, similar to EMJ? who has baby and inlaws visiting, I'm in the same boat, have baby due in a couple months, working on the nursery getting it ready. What the hell happened to WMJR40, that guy was a big time player.
  7. I always thought Mac playing Mike Brady was when he was at his best.
  8. That '79 Prelude looks sick!
  9. Are you buying them? How else can you get them besides buying or waiting for chests? We're going to M2 next month biotch
  10. There is absolutely no way in hell Rattled would transfer
  11. so you'd rather be right than ou suck, got it.
  12. You two really pissed that an ou QB sucks? Shit I'd eat my crow and shut the fuck up, knowing ou and their QB1 sucks and be happy knowing that, instead of having to prove the point I'm right even though I'm not. this shit aint that hard, ou sucks fuck them, see hows it works?
  13. Both you faggots should watch QB1 like I explained how I knew he was a head case instead of getting pissed because you look like idiots for cock guzzling an ou player, why the fuck would do that
  14. I'm aware of how the coins work Boff. What I don't know is what the buy is for a T7 loss. If it's 1k jems for 900k coins, you're gotdamn straight I'm gonna save another 550 jems (two weeks total to get) in order to get 900k. It seems like a big jump from 90k, that's all, that's why I was asking, to confirm that it as true. Seriously, I'm gonna unfriend you on FB
  15. He's a head case, tried to told you
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