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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. There is absolutely no way in hell Rattled would transfer
  2. Texas transfer?
  3. Right on Tim!
  4. so you'd rather be right than ou suck, got it.
  5. You two really pissed that an ou QB sucks? Shit I'd eat my crow and shut the fuck up, knowing ou and their QB1 sucks and be happy knowing that, instead of having to prove the point I'm right even though I'm not. this shit aint that hard, ou sucks fuck them, see hows it works?
  6. Both you faggots should watch QB1 like I explained how I knew he was a head case instead of getting pissed because you look like idiots for cock guzzling an ou player, why the fuck would do that
  7. I'm aware of how the coins work Boff. What I don't know is what the buy is for a T7 loss. If it's 1k jems for 900k coins, you're gotdamn straight I'm gonna save another 550 jems (two weeks total to get) in order to get 900k. It seems like a big jump from 90k, that's all, that's why I was asking, to confirm that it as true. Seriously, I'm gonna unfriend you on FB
  8. did not age well
  9. I think he's damn sexy
  10. He's a head case, tried to told you
  11. two words made into one. Golfclash.
  12. Man, I used to love when my number was 06
  13. and 12 bags of silicone sounds like
  14. Also does T7 really have a 900000 coin payout for around 1k gems? If so, I need to start saving them beyond 464. Been cashing them in for 90k coins. 900000 sounds a lot better considering I'm only at 600k
  15. Hey Trucker, I'll tell you what helped with mine, go to tour 1 and practice. You can practice your tee shots, your chipping, all of it. Just make sure if you aren't full on chests, that you don't win because you'll get stuck with a T1 chest that don't have shit in it. It costs you 50 coins and 2 trophies big deal. Hell I've worked on shots like pulling completely down to the left and releasing with the slice all the way to the right, how to position the target in order to do that and end up in the middle of the fairway. I'm not sure if I'll ever need to use it, but if I do, I'll have a decent shot at getting a good spot out of it. There's really only 2 holes in T1 if I remember correctly, so you can figure it out quickly. Doing that did more for my timing than anything else.
  16. You don't know shit Max McGee
  17. I've never thought this far ahead.....in regards to tooth maintenance. I have, however, thought far enough ahead to have the old lady stash these in her European carryall when we go to the theater....
  18. LTtxfan WFH
  19. Snakes, why'd it have to be snakes.
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